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Crash Starting a Tanganyika Tank

Stu :)

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I'm picking up a full Lake Tanganyika setup tonight (gotta love trademe) including fish. But the big water barrels/kegs/etc I was going to use to move half of the of the current water have used store waste chemicals... and yes I'm going to murder that person :evil:

Any help crash starting with tap water?

My only thoughts are are new tank does or Stabillity and/or TLC and the correct dose of 'Proper 8.2'

Stu :)

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:hail: Cool! :hail:

Thanks for that. Would be good idea to take a slab of filter wool out of my New World tank's filter and use that as well? Or is the pH/KH difference going knock it around?

Stu :)

That would be a good idea. Something like 99% of the bacteria in the tank is on surfaces anyway, transferring the water is really more of a matter of keeping PH kh etc the same to decrease stress from that than to do with the cycle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:evil: CRAP! :evil:

Something went wrong... everyone died except one leilupi.

Water looks fine (pH 8.4 - Ammonia and Nirites 0 - Nitrates 10'ish, GH/KH bang on). I can only guess it was either the stress of the move or something nasty in the filter media from my South American aquarium.

Anybody know where I can get a pair each of leleupis and julidochromis's cheap? Or should I just cut my loses and go ultra odd-ball or find some archers.

Stu :)

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Sorry to hear about your losses :( Sounds like you did everything you could to make it work out something random must have gone wrong, or like you say it was the stress, how long were they in transit for?

Can't help with the cheap pairs but I do have jullie marlieri young for sale if you wanted some of them pm me..

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Thanks for your condolences... almost gave up with Tanganyikians... but being a die hard WWI naval fan I'm sticking with it.

Ryan I'll send you a PM.

Stu :)

P.S. Ten points to person who knows the relationship between World War One and a Tanganyika fish tank 8)

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Well done mark. Ten Points.

Personally I didn't see a problem with HMS Cat, but I can understand the Admiralty's of the time dislike for the name HMS Dog, especially when they where busy giving their ships names like Dreadnought, Colossus, Audacious etc etc.

Stu :)

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