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Fungus on java fern


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My java fern has developed fungus - at least I think that's what it is, it's going brown and hairy. None of the other plants in the tank are affected and are all growing well.

What can I do to erradicate this if it is fungus?

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Looks like its melted. Is there much water flow where it is situated??

Java fern likes to have water movement around the rhizome.

How long have you had the plant??

Has there been any big changes, eg temp, water parameters etc.

Melted? :o

No water flow around it, but I have another java fern doing very well in another tank and there's no water flow around that either (unless fish swimming by creates enough flow for it).

I've had the plant for 3 weeks I think? Could be more - it was fine until recently. The only changes are that I added two javas that had become sick from meds added to another tank (as well as other plants in that tank) so fished them out and put them into this tank - the other plants (non java ones) are growing back since being moved to this tank, the java is not (they're still a mess) but they're not in contact with this one.

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Melt, Its a term used to describe what happens to some aquatic plants under stress or experiances sudden condition changes.

Plants tend to turn brown, go mushy and loose all foliage.

Most common in Cryptocoryne species, but also occurs in java fern and other aquatic plants.

Excerpt taken from wikipedia

'Crypt melt'

A phenomenon often encountered when planting new crypts in an aquarium is commonly called Crypt melt, whereby the plant loses all its leaves. There seem to be two possible causes for this.

Rapid environmental changes is thought to trigger this, as these plants don't seem to adapt well to transplantion, and may need thirty days or so to become established and for the leaves to regrow. Experienced growers report that it is better to plant crypts in aquariums that have been established for at least three months

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