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Water Temperature for Breeding Killies


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i have always wondered what the best temp is for breeding killies.

For the last 10 weeks i have had the tanks on 22*c and only finding up to 5 eggs each week, checking mops every couple of day.

last 10 or so days i moved the tanks and they have been on 26*c

they have always been fed on flake and microworms + once a week they get frozen bloodworms and frozen brineshrimp

Since i have got the Scheeli i have only had 8 eggs from them and that is over a 3+ month period with the water at 22*c.

i just going through the mops and found about 30 eggs on the scheeli mop

In a couple of weeks i will raise the temp to 28*c and see how many eggs i get.

Also i have got a few fry that have hatched over the last couple of days.



Gardneri Albino

:bounce: :bounce:

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I'm also interested whatthe best temp for breeding killies is as I just got a pair of Australes and really want to breed them. At the moment they're in a tank with some WCMM so I don't think that they'll breed.

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Yeah I'm going to move the WCMM out and keep the australes in there (I think they're the gold ones) in there. Is there anything that triggers them to breed? The females looks full of eggs and they're breeding size.

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well done on the breeding Cic

Temp is important but to be honest, feeding is probably more important. If you want them to breed, make sure they are really well fed with good tucka.

A water change and lowering the temp will often bring them into laying condition

Gesh... what have I got right now in fry

Aphy. Choc Australe

Aphy. Gold Australe

Aphy. Striatum


F. Gardneri Blues

F. Scheeli

F. Gardneri albino


Aphy Bitaeniatum

N. Guentheri golds

N. Eggersi

N. Stienforti

I think thats it but I have 3 more lots of eggs to put down in the next wee or so

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Well I'm definitely no expert but had a fair bit of luck spawning Australe Chocolates and Gardneri Blue.

My problem has been killing the fry with love (over feeding).

I run my tanks at 22deg and have no problem getting 7+ eggs a day, over a couple of weeks.

I do however keep the males and females separate until I want them to spawn.

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