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Recomendations on terrarium


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sand is dirty stuff you can seive it all day but it still gonna have urine and bacteria building up from the day you add to bd tank untill the day you replace :lol:

I do like sand dont get me wrong but it should be replaced often imo tiles are a once off and can be wiped down relatively easily.

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Previous enclosure:


1800 x 600 x 500

Current enclosure:

(looks different inside now tho)


1500 x 600 x 600

Length is more important than height. If you make it too high you will have problems with your dragons getting enough UV. You can get mega-rays but they are hard to source in NZ. To get the most out of your UV lamp your dragon needs to be able to get within 6 inches of it, without being able to touch it obviously. I did some research a while back, and having a dragon under UV lamp for a week, is the equivalent of having it in the sun for an hour (approximately). Not a lot when you think about it.

1200 x 600 x 600 is recommended as the minimum for 1 adult dragon. bigger is better.

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Wow, thats a nice set up. How did you do the rock like wall? Soo would a 1500mm enclosure be alright for two dragons?

Yea i'd say so, i don't really believe in keeping 2 together, i've heard too many horror stories. But if you have to, id make it as long as you can and have a equal basking spot at each end, and the cool part in the middle, that should kerb any dominace issues, also have 2 hiding places so they can get away from each other. That way they hopefully won't fight for the dominant perch. Arm waving and black bearding might look cool, but it's not behaviour you want to aim for.

How old are your dragons? and what sex?


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I dont have one as of yet, but hopefully in the next few weeks. Im trying to get every thing set up and ready before I get one. So im in pursuit of an awsome enclosure, and now a stand to go with it. Where did you get your stand from? How old is your beardy?

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