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Crypt Flower Project********(NEW FLOWER PICS ADDED)*********


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The bulbs were in the tank when I bought it secondhand.

Thats the only thing written on the bulbs so cant tell you much more.

Ive got some Osram 840 36w daywhite bulbs here also, that I was given.

Might swap them at some stage, but all seems to be good for now.

You are right Alan about the light and water but there is also the glass cover between the plants and the light, so its not as good as it could be.

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  • 3 weeks later...


We have a flower, or three :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

To you non plant fanatics, This is the result I have been trying to achieve.

Although its only one plant for now, hopefully the others will follow suit.




Now for the hard task, What species of crypt is it???

off to do some research now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


Still no more flowers from any of the others, but the Wendtii is on to its sixth flower now.

Took all the plants out of the small tank that was inside the main one and filled the main one with about two or three inches of water. Added some PMDD to new water, and put a small powerhead to circulated the water so no cold spot form.

Heres some pics.


I need to clean the glass :oops:


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I have to admit that I have never tried to grow Crypts emesed but with Echinodorus sp. any change seems to stimulate them to flower. shorten or lengthen lighting period, change type of light, changes in temperature or changing from emersed to submersed or back seems to get them going.

Change the rules and see what happens, it doesn't want to be too gradual either.

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  • 5 weeks later...


The suppier called this plant C Cordata, time will tell as the pic above shows what I think is a new flower. A first for this plant. :bounce: :bounce: :lol:

I do hope it is C Cordata, as the flowers of this species that I have seen on other sites is of a neat yellow flower.

Will update pics as the flower develops.

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oh wow. look at it go! that's a pretty cool looking flower. almost lilly like.

That would be because Crypts,Anubias and lillies are all part of the family Araceae

The following is taken from Wikipedia.com

Araceae is a family of monocotyledonous flowering plants in which flowers are borne on a type of inflorescence called a spadix. The spadix is usually accompanied by, and sometimes partially enclosed in, a spathe or leaf-like hood. The group also goes by the name of Arum family and species in this family are often colloquially known as aroid. This family of 107 genera and over 3700 species is most diverse in the New World tropics, although also distributed in the Old World tropics and north temperate regions.
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  • 2 months later...

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