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Lisa Williams Life Among The Dead


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I believe there are genuine psychics/mediums out there, but distinguishing them (or actually finding them) amongst all of the wannabes/liars & ripoff artists is quite difficult. Unfortunatly due to the way the human race is with only believing in what scientists can tell us (well the majority anyway), most genuine psychics choose to remain anonymous.

Quite funny that, how if someone mentions something about psychics/ghosts/ufo's/aliens or anything that cant be explained by science, they get called looney and people think they're full of it. Much like what happened to the people who RE-discovered the world was round, and tried to convince the rest of the population this was the case. From memory they STFU to prevent themselves from being burnt at the stake lol

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I wonder what is behind it all?

Apparently after WWI there was a HUGE market for mediums and the like. It stands to reason (never thought I would say that phrase in relation to mediums!) but just not something you would think of in relation to the war....

You could blame the poor education system, the downfall of critical thinking, the rise of "There is no wrong answer...", the widening difference in reproduction rates between the intelligent and educated vs the stupid and ignorant...Probably dozens of other factors.

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You could blame the poor education system, the downfall of critical thinking, the rise of "There is no wrong answer...", the widening difference in reproduction rates between the intelligent and educated vs the stupid and ignorant...Probably dozens of other factors.


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Have you guys seen that Sensing Murder show on TV? They have 2 mediums who sense who the missing person is, and who killed them, or how they were killed. They work alongside police.

I'm a pretty big skeptic, but sometimes they say things that make me wonder...

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Despite what people think, there are no instances around the world where a psychic was truly able to solve a crime.

There are many standing offers of $1million in various currencies open to anyone who can prove that they have any sort of paranormal power. It must be scientifically proven and the whole process must be acceptable to the psychic or whatever.

Funnily enough no one takes up any of the offers, despite the millions of people who claim to have these powers and even charge others for their services.


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Lol, that was good.

Stella has a good point, it's funny how none of the sceptic prizes have been claimed.

People see/hear/believe what they want to. IMHO, believing in life after death is just the ego's way of dealing with the fact you won't exist sometime in the not too distant future. Me, cease to be? What are you, crazy? :)

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Spirituality has nothing to do with education or intelligence it is simply a matter of believing that "when your dead your dead" or that "when you are dead only your body dies." There are very well educated and intelligent people who believe each way.

been there

done that :D

the dying bit that is

if you lived my life you would believe what i believe

and if i had lived your life i would believe what you believe

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yes i agree i read in a book about ghosts today a qoute from a medium channelling a ghost who said when people start to look for things in other worlds they end up creating them in their own conciousness and before long they are looking at themse4lves in the mirror , i think it was talking about more negitive haunting experieces but evn though i have witness a friend working as a medium and i believe it doesnt it seem wierd they are telling u stuff u already know(age eye colour , personal details etc) and then telling u stuff u want to hear ( ie that they are happy now, have passed over finally etc) could it not be that a medium is tapping live peoples conciounesses without realising and making sense of it for us?

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I think Living Art was on to it. We are the product of our own experiences and what we believe is related to that. There is no right and wrong as it is the individual's own truth. I just wish people would realise that and be a little more tolerant and realise that there are more truths than their own. The world might be a better place.

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i've changed how i used to think... now i know there's definitely "the other side" but only in a positive sense...you heal there and that's why ppl are usually happy and content. suicide victims are counselled seperately and learn that often only a few small changes would've changed their whole outlook eg exercise is a proven antidepressant due to the endorphin release into the body. i love the skeptics. i wonder how they can watch lisa williams or the sensing murder psychics (of late even under the watchful eye of detectives) and still not believe when they come up with names, ages, body size, personality traits that are all TRUE. remember the police cannot go up and grab the guy they named and send him to prison. if in 10 yrs they had no evidence on him they probably still don't!! at least the psychics can bring some solace to the families. and if that means the producers get rich who cares? ppl get rich from a lot worse. but oh yeah somehow the psychics are fake cos they read up every missing person case or murder and memorised them all :)

lol ...come on, think about it

ps sue nicholson one of the sensing murder psychics selected the other psychics for the show by analysing their auras..through this she could gauge their ability.

pps if you watched the show about their lives you would realise that their gift is also a curse. eg kelvin lost his wife over it.

ppps psychics lead police to the find clothes of a missing schitzophrenic man which then lead them to find his body.

I nearly had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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