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How to feed the GBA?


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I have a 5cm GBA in the same tank as my little 15cm oscar. I am finding it impossible to get anything to the GBA as the oscar is too quick and good at finding the pleco tablets.

If I put 10 pleco tablets in then the GBA might get to taste one before the oscar gets them all. the oscar puts 5 or 6 in his mouth and chews on them, letting little bits of tablet out his gills which the gouramis eat and the GBA gets nothing.

even if i feed the oscar down one end of the tank and hide the tablets in cracks in the rocks at the same time the oscar still finds them all

The GBA is starting to look a bit thin, is there any way to feed him in the tank with the oscar or do I have to move him?

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I have had similar issue's with my greedy guts.

Get a terracotta flower pot, cut/ break a hole in the side just big enough for GBA to get in.

Turn it upside down on bottom of the tank.

Use a piece of hose to drop sinking pleco chips through the drainage hole in the "top" of the flowerpot.

Gba can get in but not Oscar

Sorted :wink:

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I put a pot I already had in and put the food inside it

Oscar finds the food


Oscar too fat to fit


Oscar thinks about it


Keyholes get interested


Oscar tries again


GBA goes in, closely watched by Oscar


Oscar gets the tablet


Happy Oscar with a mouthful :evil:


GBA goes back to his cave


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The wholes too big

I just stole the cockatoo's cave to see if it would work

Feed Courgette or something like broccoli stalk an hour after the lights go out at night. Stick a fork through it and chuck in.

Just tried that

Oscar seems to like courgette too :-? looks like he stays up late :lol:

Push the pot futher into the ground, try again.

He dug the gravel out of the entrance and got the tablet

Im gonna get a bigger pot and make a smaller entrance to see if that will work

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i have the same prob with my twig cats and rubber lip pleco although i dont have them with oscars but the redhumps and heckelii are greedy eaters so i just put in algae chips just before i turn the lights out. that way the bigger fish just go to sleep and the cats all come out and graze at there own pace..i also feed strips or corgette and wait them down with a bit of plant lead which none of the cichlids are interested in.

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