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kuhli loaches & Yo Yo loaches

angel obsessed

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hi. I have just bought an 80litre tank and am wondering if one or two kuhli loaches would be okay in it? Also wondering if anyone on here as any and what they are like to keep. Im not sure what else Im going to stock the tank with yet. Are they peaceful? would they get along with bumblebee gobies and angel fish? Or will they be okay with yo yo loaches, and is this tank big enough for them as well? I know its probaby too small for clown loaches. Also are they okay with plants? I want a live planted tank. Just a thought as to what else may be in their with them. Cheers guys.

I so dont know what fish to stock it with!!! So exciting to choose!!! sorry for all the questions and going a little off topic! NTS. LOVE IT!!

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I have about 6 kuhli loaches in my 85 litre. they will be fine in that but like to be in groups and you see them more if you have them in groups.

Peaceful as. fine with plants.

Mine swim up and down my tank most times they do that at nite.

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I used to have 6 Khulis - they are adorable, mine all got pretty big :) When looking up close they have humourous whiskers too.

Be prepared to not see them much, as they love to hide in caves and under/in ornaments and driftwood.

they love to pile on top of each other! And yeah, mine also would do the crazy fast figure 8 laps up and down the side of the tank haha :)

I have read that they do like bare bottom tanks/fine sand over coarse gravel as it can damage their delicate smooth underbody.

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I've got a group and they are awesome. One thing they like is if you put a piece of java fern just sitting on the gravel and they like to hide in the roots and the leaves if it's dense enough. Also add lots of low growing plants and they come out more often.

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Also, angels get quite big don't they and aren't bumblebee gobys really small?? Wouldn't the angels (eventually) think of the gobys as a tasty snack?

I've got big angels with bumblebee gobys, and the angels don't touch them. I think the yellow and black stripes act as really good warning signals, and I never have a problem with them an other fish.

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No, they all live in a slightly brackish community tank - it's not salty enough to strictly be considered brackish - about 2/3 salt of a brackish tank.

I did acclimatize all the fish very slowly though from when they were all babies.

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i went out a couple weeks ago and got some loaches, 3 of them, andthey have since all completely dissapeared... seriously, no trace of bodies or anything... whata waste of time money and fish life aye? lol


Same, we bought 4 over the weekend and all we get now is the odd glimpse at one at a time. We assume they are in there somewhere! :D

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yer, i have just moved house too, so took the tank completely apart expecting maybe they were in the substrate or something, but nope, nothing at all... funnily enough my sailfin molly i just noticed is missing too.... HEY WHAT THE!!!???

im seriously confused now...... :-? :-? :-?

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