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Has anyone used AquaOne external CF1250


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I'm looking for an Ext filter for my new 200L tank. I'm now a bit poorer, so cheap is good. I'm thinking of putting a discus pair in there, so over filtration is the goal. Feedback on other lower cost filters would also be appreciated.

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I love my Jebo 819

I saw one in Palmy for $220, but couldn't see what size tank it would suit. In a 200L tank, with 2 discus plus other fish, would it be too big?

Whats the rule of thumb on Ext filter size for any given size tank?

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$220? I thought I had bought mine on special for $150 but that was a couple of years ago.

I think most people like their AquaOne filters.

I have mine on a 250L tank and it works well. The tank is heavily planted with reasonable to low stocking of smaller shoaling fish. The largest being the pearl gouramis and hoplos.

MarkLB is right - no such thing as too much filtering, unless the fish are getting exhausted swimming against the current! In which case, turn the spray bar towards the glass.

The 819 would suit your tank perfectly. I don't know how its price compares to the filter you are considering though.

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You've had your filter for a few year's, are they easy to clean, and are they quiet. I have 2 Fluval 205's and a JBl Crystal profi 500. The Fluvals are by far and away easier to clean, and restart that the JBL, so am looking for a comparable filter

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The jebo is fairly easy to clean, but seeing as it is the only cannister filter I've ever had I don't have a comparison.

And they are definitely quiet. Had it in a stand and free-standing to the side of a tank-stand and I couldn't hear it running. Great filter if you ask me.

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I have had the Jebo 2 yrs now. Very quiet. I have to put my hand on it to feel the slight vibration so check it is running. I have only cleaned it twice and that was easy.

I have used Fluval 404s but hate pulling them to bits for cleaning as it usually took 2 of us to pull them apart. Also buggers to start again. They also had a tendency to block easily so required regular maintenance every month or so as the water flow dropped dramatically.

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I have had the Jebo 2 yrs now. Very quiet. I have to put my hand on it to feel the slight vibration so check it is running. I have only cleaned it twice and that was easy.

I have used Fluval 404s but hate pulling them to bits for cleaning as it usually took 2 of us to pull them apart. Also buggers to start again. They also had a tendency to block easily so required regular maintenance every month or so as the water flow dropped dramatically.

You're doing something wrong if it takes two of you to pull the 404s apart. Seriously, they shouldn't take much force at all. Unless you leave the valves closed then it'll take heaps of force because of the vacuum.

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Both our 404s were hard to get the top off. Even the new "improved" model. The new one you just flipped the little handle to shut off the water and removed the bit with the taps on. The you took the rest off - if you could.

We cleaned out the Jebo last night (been about 12 months since last clean-out) as I am setting up the second one to use on the hospice tank we are organising. I thought I would take half the baskets from the one running and swap them with half in the new and have 2 cycled filters. I got 3/4 of a 2L ice cream container full of gunk from the filter but the spray bar had still been returning a good water flow.

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