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breeding daphnia...? help


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we have a about 200 baby golden axolotls that have hatched and their yoak sacks are going quick. i bought a bag of daphnia and was wandering how to breed them so i dont have to travel to get some. i have put some in green water outside and put some milk in to culture the bacteria (that they eat so im told). does anyone have any other sudgestions that have worked realy well for them? thanks guys!!!!

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I got mine in an old fishtank outside.

They dont breed as readily at this time of year unless they have plenty of food.

Mine get feed green water, which i grow in another tank that is inside with the lights on 24hrs a day.

Also if you are short of green water, they can be fed yeast.

Take about 1 cup of water and add half a teaspoon of yeast. stir until it makes a cloudy mixture, then gently pour into tank or container holding daphnia. You only want to add enough so that you can only just see the botton of the tank.

feed again once water clears.

My fish love them


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Dried blood is good too if you know a source :wink:

Another alternative is dried sheep poo.

I know some people use grass clippings.

I never fed mine in a bath outside. They just grew by themselves. I occasionally threw in some dried yeast but didn't notice much difference in numbers.

I seem to remember someone suggesting baby food worked well - especially one with kumara in it. I bought some but never got around to trying it.

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