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A seahorse fashion show :D


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I was bored.... so thought I'd bore you with a Seahorse "fashion show" LOL :roll:

All the following pics are of the same seahorse, my kuda named Lele.

As soon as I added this orange plastic margartia "glass" for a feeding dish, she decided to change colour to match. How very fashionable of her!


Here she is in her "little black dress"


A fashion faux-pas. I don't think the cyano chiffon look suited her very well! :D


Her white Chanel suit was much more becoming. :)


Lately she has been wearing her yellow sports suit, trying her hardest to match her favourite hitch.


That all for now; thanks for looking!

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Yes, it is amazing how much they can & do change colour! sometimes it is a slow transformation and at other times nearly instataneous "flashing".

So be aware, the horse you might buy may not end up looking the same at all when you bring it home!

There are many variables to factor in: if they feel the need to blend with their surroundings, their mood (ie; playful, stealth/hunting/flirting) Some will change colour with gentle coaxing (& luck!) like, dressing the tank with the colours you might like to see. Also, what is in their diet can enhance and enable colour changes...

I am no good with tank sizes etc... I have only a 75 litre for my kuda. I would recomend going bigger. The bigger the better ( for water quality sake) SH's are messy eaters! best to get a reply from the experts here or search the libraries for Seahorse specific info on SH .org or syngnathid.org . They are a wealth of info.

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Hiya Georgeous ;)

oops, i forgot to answer one of Cam's Q's... it is fairly easy to "sex" them once they are 6 months old; sometimes earlier. there are good diagrams on those SH website libraries, or if you Google... but basically, if you look at Lele's pics again, (especially in her little black dress) you can see the rounded shape of her belly and how it comes in at a fairly sharp angle to her tail & you can even see her little anal fin right there too. A male will look almost the same but the sharp angle will not be there as that area is filled in with the males pouch. the anal fin is still at the bottom of the belly, and then there is an opening at the top of the broodpouch where the female deposits their eggs. The male gets to incubate them, get fat and give birth to live babies ! ( some of us like calling them ponies :) ) Those girls have it all figured out :lol:

Here is a pic of mine where the difference is clear... I bet you can guess who the boyfriend Uku is and tell me which one is Lele! :)

oops forgot the pic! :roll:


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nice gee gees and pics dj

the female is the one just hanging around

the male one is the one multi tasking and complaining about the female just sitting around doing nothing :D

LA, haha you are too funny :lol:

Uhh, somebody??? gee gees???translation please.

Thanks to all for the compliments. Glad someone besides myself actually enjoyed them.

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I thought ya meant the ponies :) but I never heard that term before. I was so curious I had to go look up the origin. Convoluted from the driving commands, gee & haw... well there we go,learn something new every day. Thanks!

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the one at the bottom is the male maybe??

Yes, Well done! :)

The top one is also a male, though it can't be seen clearly in the picture; Lele, our sole model for the fashion show is the female, in the middle.

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These are not freshwater are they???

Oh, No! I don't think I've ever heard of a freshwater seahorse. Please don't (anyone!) try to keep seahorses in freshwater. :)

They can tolerate a short "dip" in freshwater, which is handy at times to rid them of some sorts of external parasites, but as a rule they are strictly Saltwater fish. Apparently the NZ Potbelly are some of the most tolerant to salinity changes though, and can be found in estuaries that have a bit of SG swing. They are also some of the strongest swimmers. If you look at different seahorse pictures, you might notice NZ potbelly's dorsal fins are much larger compared to many other varieties.

Lele "fashion model" is a tropical kuda; there are some potbelly pics around on the site if you search...

Glad you enjoyed the pics; thanks!

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I have inadverdantly kept local seahorses in fresh water for 9 months

had a large holding tank and UGs on air supply outside that was full of algae, also getting runoff from roof when it rained so salinity was down

so removed horses and some babies with a net and left tank ticking

forgot all about it for 9 months

came to clean out the green tank and found 14 horses in there, must have been babies left over, they had grown well

tank was full of daphnia and wrigglers

brought them back to full salt and they were ok

this was about 23 years ago

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