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Sweety's Mum's Clown Loach


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Can't find the original thread from ages ago so just making a new one. Anyway, this is her clown loach now, certainly is a big brute. Sweety'smum said she will take a few photo's and maybe a full tank shot which would be cool to see so they might be up here in a few days or so. Anyway, enough blabber, here's the pic:


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Wow that is a good looking fish, I thought about getting some clown loaches for my 130L tank awhile back but I am glade I didn't they wouldn't have fitted in that tiny tank :)

you have some time to either get a larger tank or sell on when bigger. they take over 20 years to get to that size

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I don't know what you all see in these fish. IMO theyr'e hideous creatures

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ;) And what is ones mans trash is another mans treasure...

Sweety you are a real honey... and those other loaches are just fantastic.. :)

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I don't know what you all see in these fish. IMO theyr'e hideous creatures

I have to say these super-giant ones are pretty weird looking but they're such cool fish! We have some biggish ones at work and they're such clowns (pun sort of intended :lol:); it's their personality that makes them cute to me :D

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When I had clown loaches mine doubled in size in about 2 months so they must not grow that slow or do they grow to a certain point and then slow down? When I took mine back the lfs were really keen for them back and the next morning I went back in and they'd sold already :o:o . One of the staff said they sold about 20 minutes after I brought them in.

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I can see how the untrained eye would think they're hideous beasts but once you've owned them and seen how long they take to grow - once they're a few years old that is - then you can appreciate the time and care it's taken to get them this big, and just wow at their ginormity.

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Also it's one thing to see them in a still photo but quite another thing to see them in real life, snuffling around in the substrate, picking things up and putting them down, changing colour and stance, looking out of the tank at you and saying, "where's my dinner?" (That's what they're always saying.)

I'd like to hear one of those really big ones clicking as it eats its dinner. Mine are loud enough and they're only little. A big one like that would sound like someone knocking on the door! :o

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Speaking of noise coming from the tank.. clicking etc.. We have Peru Black Cats and it sounds like a ship leaving port, the noise they make... they honk... and it sounds like a very deep boat horn noise...

:lol: :lol: Oh my goodness! Do your visitors ever get scared they're going to be run down by a freighter? :lol: :lol:

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:lol: When we first got them it was funny, we started hearing this odd noise.. and one night hubby got out of bed walking up and down the hallway wondering where this strange sound was coming from, like a faint fog horn/ship horn noise..... took a wee while before we clicked... :lol: Will put some pics up of them in catfish section... they are a true catfish, bit shovel mouth with side whisker...

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