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Small borneo seems to be doing gymnastics....


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it got slightly harassed by giant gourami, small giant gourami. Its fins are ok, just slight damage

so i got rid of all fish in the tanks except syno and pleco who dont seem to do anything but stay by the filter pipe.

then 3 days later, the borneo, 3 inches or so isnt looking too good. kinda swimming funy and doing flips in the water , swimming sideways.

water parameters are fine, but changed water anyways.

anyone seen this before?

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Yea that sounds remarkably like what mine was doing next day died water was fine and did a water change as soon as i saw symptoms which aparently didnt help, and within the next couple day royal knife was dead aswell. That was a few months ago now have new dat and kinfe and everything is fine, was really strange tho hope yours gets beter man

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I had a very large silver dollar do the same after it was knocked by another large fish... not a deliberate knock, it was a race to food... the swim bladder had been knocked/bruised... was acting very much in the same way as your borneo... on side, almost doing somersault.. I netted him out and put him in his own tank and after 3 days he came right... possibly not what the problem is with your borneo, but just a thought... as knock to swim bladder can do it.

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i think this is gonna bite the gravel.

its not not swimming, breathing but floating and just sinking on its side permanently.

skin is all faded. other fish in tank look good.

really strange

i think this fish will die soon

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damn GG must have bumped it too hard. it didnt look right 3 days ago or so.

i do think with confidence this fish wont make it, damn, it grew so much since i got it!!! got it eating prawns nicely too lol.

now i have an empty tank.

was thinking of africans - but dont know where to start. had them along time ago, bout 8 in a tank, all killed each other and 2 were left.

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Yeah... Snakenecks are gorgeous.

I have a fish only marine... with now just the one fish... Stars and Stripes Puffer... he is entertaining enough just on his own, and I would never part with him, just too gorgeous and hard case to ever consider it :lol:

Fish only marine sounds nice... 8)

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yeah, well

i only have a canister filter and a internal filter for this tank

so what ever i get has to be suitable for that set up. heater also i got.

fish only marine - i was actually thinking getting a puffer too lol

thers a couple of nice ones or a trigger fish!!!

do you need a skimmer for that?

how often do you do water changes with no skimmer?

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Yeah Pufferfish or Trigger, both wicked fish 8)

I have just shifted the marine tank back inside, I have a big canister running on the puffer tank, have coral rock in the tank... and have a skimmer, just replacing the pump on it actually.... I get my saltwater from the National Aquarium ( :hail: to them) and we do a water change on him weekly... however lately with changing tanks around etc, he went 2 weekly, didn't make a diff tho... not a huge amount of waste with just him in there.

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he was actually on sunday lying on his side, not moving at all!

hardly breathing.

then monday, he was upright, swimming

he looks really really thin

so he is still sick

but swimming

i am feeding him slightly some BW and prawns, he wants to eat but doesnt strike it.

im still scared he is gonna die but he seems to be a fighter!

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Hmmm I wonder if he has an internal parasite or flukes, that can be symptoms... getting thin, then eventually stop eating even tho they went for the food, and breathing problems. This is what happened to our Gold Saum, they were infected when they came from supplier, same symptoms, treated with Prazy and hell different fish now, breathing improved, not lethargic... started eating and gained weight... would never believe they were the same fish...

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