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Not exciting........

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Sorry to hear about all the non exciting stuff happening.

Will it make you feel any better if I tell you about my evening out for a wonderful meal at a very fancy hotel in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. It is 9.35pm and the temperature is a comfortable 40 deg. It is approaching the middle of summer here and can get up to 50 deg some days. I watch the forum each day and can't wait to get home at the end of the year and finish my 800l cold water marine set up. Keep smiling summer is coming soon.



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Sorry to hear about all the non exciting stuff happening.

Will it make you feel any better if I tell you about my evening out for a wonderful meal at a very fancy hotel in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. It is 9.35pm and the temperature is a comfortable 40 deg. It is approaching the middle of summer here and can get up to 50 deg some days. I watch the forum each day and can't wait to get home at the end of the year and finish my 800l cold water marine set up. Keep smiling summer is coming soon.



Ooh that does sound lovely!

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I am in Muscat city in Oman. Try Googling it you may be surprised as I was just how westernised and modern the country is. I received a call late last year to come here for 6 mths and assist with a building project at the airport.

That has turned into 10mths but I will be back for Xmas. Was in the final stages of setting up my tanks when the call came so had to mothball them.

There are a few aquarium shops here with mostly fresh water species.


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I am in Muscat city in Oman. Try Googling it you may be surprised as I was just how westernised and modern the country is. I received a call late last year to come here for 6 mths and assist with a building project at the airport.

That has turned into 10mths but I will be back for Xmas. Was in the final stages of setting up my tanks when the call came so had to mothball them.

There are a few aquarium shops here with mostly fresh water species.


I have been to Muscat in the middle of the night. Back in the days when you couldn't fly all the way from Singapore to London in one go. I was 11 and I bought a pencil at the airport. Good times.

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It's not exciting here, too. I hope it stays that way! It's raining and dark outside and there has been some thunder and lightening - they are predicting hail later and a lot more electrical storm stuff.

We're going away for the weekend and I'm scared the power might go off at home while we're away. What would my poor fishies do then? :o

Hooray for "not exciting" - long may it continue!

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just finished all my exams, fun fun, now going to do overtime everyday to save up. gfs overseas atm, dont even have $ to buy new fish. and crappy weather means i cant even do anything, seems like theres nothing going for me. heh, maybe ill go emo...

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