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My tank :)


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I have stuck most of my fish in my big tank in preparation for going overseas and for some reason I am compulsively taking photos of it so thought I would share :)

Stocking list is

4 red zeb's 1m 3f

4 ps sacolofi (unsure on sexes these aren't flash so haven't bred them)

5 dragons bloods peacocks1m 4f

8-9 jacob's peacocks 2-3m 5 or so females

3 red empresses 1m 2f

1 male baenshi

1 random male peacock (supposed to be chilumba but is a cross)

4ob peacocks 1m 3f

2 fryeri 1m 1f

2 kadango's 1m 1f

1 big male front

8 yellows 1m 3f 4 babies

4 pulchers

breeding pair of kribs (got sick of these killing community fish)

Pair of jullie marlieri

6 dolphins 3m 3f

4 johannii 2m 2f

7-8 ob zebra's (unsure on sexes)

11 young electra's

1 bigish giraffes (have 11 more growing out to add when big enough)

10 demasoni (3 females in fishroom holding/recovering)

3 cobalt zebras 1m 2f

3 lithobates 2m 1f

2 afra 1m 1f

various bristlenoses

Anyway heres some pic's (excuase the crap stand I ruined it)









I stuck this poor little guy in here when he was smaller and he got his tail eaten off by something but survived so I netted him out grew him out a bit and now have added him back he seems to get along alright :)









Male empress


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Wicked ryan :D Looks so different now compared to when we were there a couple of weeks back :lol: So well stocked now and I must say it still looks wicked as ever :)

I can see a pair of Kribs in there... crikey :o :lol: :lol:

I think I spotted an OB female holding too...??? Play spot the expecting female :D

And the Red Emp boy gonna be a looker huh ;)

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Thanks :) Yeah its probably bordering on overstocked to be honest but good old FX5 hauls some serious ass so should be fine..

lol yeah kribs are trying to breed and watched the male take on the smaller male johannii and win so they can handle themselves :) Like I said they got chucked in there because I got sick of them shreading community fish..

There is multiple fish holding in there all fishfood :) Watched the female dolphin spit 60+ babies yesterday everyone went nuts..

And empress male is already quite red so cant wait for him to grow up, it will be quite exciting coming back from overseas..

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lol big front is a grumpy bugger he hides to the right hand side around the ship he is like an old granddad looking out watching all the young little fish zip around :) He's only been in there a week or so and doesn't seem to like the light very much :(

Also forgot theres some lionheads kicking around in there its so hard to list whats in a tank..

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Thanks everyone :)

Tropheus - tank is 5 x 2 x 2 holds around 540L full but would say only 450 or so taking into account the huge pile of rocks and sand etc.. Filtration is fluval FX5 this probably takes the capacity up a bit and turns over around 2500lph so does a good job, I might add another 404 or something before I go overseas just for an extra bit of filtration..

Bulldog - the best way to get over fighting in african tanks is to heap in the fish, there are fish that dont get along but there is enough room and hiding places they don't kill each other, there used to be 6male dem's but 3 dominant males have killed the rest.

And yeah feeding time is difficult its hard getting food through the glutten's at the top down to the smaller fish and frontosa at the bottom but it gets down there in the end..

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Thanks everyone it has taken a long time to source half the fish they're bloody hard to find...

lol No need for a bigger tank this one is plenty big enough I reckon I can fit a few more fish in there lol

Tiden - blowed if I can see the front in any of those pics?

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