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people who mislabel fish! annoying!


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:lol: :lol: Classic AP...

Yeah it can be frustrating henward when things are mislabelled wrong.. however the best thing to do would be to email them or leave a message if you can in a comments box or something and inform them.... that's if there are those options available.

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i dont think anyone here disagrees

i guessi got annoyed that the person selling was asked and said definately its the same.

google will reveal that so quickly. anyways, lol i was annoying thats all.

mmmm rope fish, i wish!

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i dont think anyone here disagrees

i guessi got annoyed that the person selling was asked and said definately its the same.

google will reveal that so quickly. anyways, lol i was annoying thats all.

mmmm rope fish, i wish!

That was me that asked. I was just stirring and wanted to know what he'd say. :):o:D

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in fact it would be all right if it was consistant in the common names but being humans.............

The problem is that there is no logic or order to to common names, and they're usually meaningless. And you're right, they will never be consistent and you get several names for one species. Just look at the confusion in the posts about severums......

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Its just a case of getting used to it. In the 2.5 years I've been working in the horticulture industry my pronunciation has gone from rubbish to pretty good (I think!). Some people learn differently, I prefer to be told how to pronounce a word, where as my boss needs to see it written down so he can sound it out.

A lot of it isn't as hard as it looks, take Uaru fernandezyepezi for instance. Named after Fernandez Yepez, any latin name that is a latin-ised name is simply pronounced as-usual for the name but with the "i" on the end. So its simply pronounced fer-nan-dez-ye-pez-eye.

Anne/beblondie did a good bit on Latin pronounciation here, post #3, although she didn't mention that the 'ii' is often pronounced as a single "eye" instead of "ee-eye" in cases where the later makes the name akward to say. :wink:

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& most are damn hard to remember

I AGREE! I hated Latin in high school and sorry but I'd rather not even go there again. Hats off to all who can spell, pronounce, EVEN remember them :bow::bow: But for me, I think I'd be better off looking for that needle in the haystack :o 8) Plus trying to learn a word that, well at least for me, can't even pronounce and then throw in that it is in Latin...forget it, I'm lost :o:o


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