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Leopard Fish


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A friend has just offered me a fish tank with these live bearers and quite a few off spring.

I have looked them up on the net and was wondering if they are worth keeping?

Can't seem to find much about them.

Any pics or thoughts re these fish greatly appreciated

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They are one of my favourites. A lovely looking fish but highly under-rated. Pale cream body with green and black splotches.

They are a cold water species and, as you say, a live bearer. Nowhere near as prolific as guppies though! They like good water conditions to breed.

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I have about 50 of them in a smallish tank, and i have only ever had 1 femlae big enoughto breed,and unfortuantely she really only gives birth to males :(

Change the temp by a few degrees. You may find she starts having females.

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Ive been changing it up and down in the last couple months from 18 through to 25 and started to see a few females last week at 20, so have raised it down to 18, and 2 males and the 5 female(only 1 of which is big wnough ot breed) will be moved to a small planted tank soon.

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Keep them!

I just got a female and a tiny bubba - thats all they had in the petshop. If you got some spare babes you dont want send them my way :wink: Would love a few more :)

I have them is with my 2 borneo suckers and they all seem very happy :)

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Well tank arrived today with my Leopard fish.

Ummmmmmmmmmm it aint gona make it home as it is now set up in my office... :D:D

Never had so many visitors in such a long time!!

It is so amazing what a conversation piece that a fish tank can be :)

I think i have about 13 leopard fish

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Got into work this morning and thought i had better give them their brekky.

Having my usual morning nosey at them and found a BABY!!!

I am excited as it is my very very first bubba fish

:bounce: 8) :bounce:

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Saw some in Wetpets in Palmy last time we were down there, they were tiny, like 1- 1.5cm max. $7.50 each!!! I asked if you brought a few would you get a discount and they said no, so i said i wasnt going to get any at that price for that small. They guy looked in and said,,, yep they are a bit small aye? How about $5 each? but you cant have them for a week as there was something in the tank that was making them die so we are treating them at the moment. Ahhhh ........... no thanks. Neat looking little fish tho.

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yeah they are neat....

I have about 17 or so..all differing sizes.

You think that was bad about that price?? I went into animates in the Hutt over the weekend to get some more female guppies...ouch they were asking about $13 per fish!!! :o The tanks didn't look overly nice if ya know what I mean?. I walked out and left them there. Still on the hunt for Guppies

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Saw some in Wetpets in Palmy last time we were down there, they were tiny, like 1- 1.5cm max. $7.50 each!!! I asked if you brought a few would you get a discount and they said no, so i said i wasnt going to get any at that price for that small. They guy looked in and said,,, yep they are a bit small aye? How about $5 each? but you cant have them for a week as there was something in the tank that was making them die so we are treating them at the moment. Ahhhh ........... no thanks. Neat looking little fish tho.

Yeah I called into Wetpets yesterday and he had about 4 of them. Tiny as!! and yes $7.50 each...

He was a bit suprised when I said I had a tank full of them... :D And that his were tiny compared to most of mine..lol

But they are a bit of a different fish to keep.

He said Leopard fish and Mountain Minnows don't come in that often.

Maybe supply and demand?

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