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Sick Angelfish :( HELP!


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Hi All,

My biggest angelfish is sick, all of his fins are degenerating and frayed, he is not eating much and I am 99% sure he is constipated.

Can anyone suggest what course of action I can take? Water quality is normal but I have been doing 2 water changes per week as opposed to just 1.

Can somebody please help?

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Hi Supasi,

Temperature is 26 degrees.

Currently fed flake food with occasional frozen "tropical mix" from animates.

Shares with 1 adult plecostamus. Used to be 2 other angels but they now have their own tank as they are breeding.

Don't know if it means anything, but he is about 3.5 years old.

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What makes you think he is constipated?

3.5 years old is a mature fish, but not what id call senile though.

Whats its behaviour like? is it very active, and is it dull in colouration?

I have no idea, but am asking these questions to see if we can narrow it down.

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If you think it is constipated, try feeding it on bloodworms. Torn fins come from one of two things - physical damage / biting, or vitamin definiency, which wold fit with the contipation / gut problem, in which case you need to treat with Metro to fix its gut and get it digesting food properly.

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I think he is constipated for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, his poos are exceptionally long (1m+) and it looks like he has great difficulty doing them - jumpin round the tank etc.

Secondly, he isn't eating and hes always been the first to the food!

The fins look frayed and even slightly melted!? There are no other fish that could be nipping at his fins. He is quite dull at present, but his stripes come back very strong when he is nervous (When I change the water, trim plants etc) but fade again once I'm out of the tank.

I know he is lonely but don't think this is what is causing his issues, will be putting a couple of the babies in with him shortly as they are almost big enough.

Sorry if this is to much info - I'd rather give you to much than not enough.

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I'm not 100% sure without the packet in front of me, but it's an NZ Biosupplies one, contains daphnia, different larvae, bloodworms and small insects.

I think its officially called "Tropical Tucker" LOL.

I only feed this about once a week though.

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Thanks TheConch,

Can you please give me some info on Metro?

Is it something I can pickup from lfs?

Metro is a prescription only drug, but you'll probably be able to get some from someone here if you put up a 'wanted' advert, or better still PM Caryl and see if she can get you some. Do a google search 'metrodizanole+fish' etc. for more info, dosage etc. (I'm having a 'mare at work at the mo' - sorry)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi - have finally managed to get some Metronidazole (flagyl)

unfortunately, the vet wasn't confident in providing treatment doses/instructions and pointed me to this link:


can anybody here walk me through exactly how I can treat my angelfish?

I have 2 tablets, don't think I can treat him through food as he isn't eating.

am hoping for something relatively detailed that I can follow so appreciate your efforts in advance.

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For ease, I usually dose the whole tank at about 1mg/litre, so work out your tank volume, work out how many tablets you need (I assume you have 200 or 400 mg tablets, so for example a 200 litre tank would need 10 x 200mg tablets or 5 x 400 mg tablets) and just crush them into a glass (I squeeze them between two spoons until they turn to powder) then add some water, swish it about and pour it on top of the water - that's it. Some dust will settle on the bottom - don't worry, that's just caking agent used to stick the drugs together). Wait 3 days, do a 25% water change, and repeat. I work on the theory that although the fish doesn't ingest the drug directly, it is absorbed through the gills into the bloodstream when water laden with it passes through. It seems to work.

Alternatively you can crush it into / onto food, and try and direct feed it, which should be more effective (especially with agressive eaters like angels)

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For ease, I usually dose the whole tank at about 1mg/litre, so work out your tank volume, work out how many tablets you need (I assume you have 200 or 400 mg tablets, so for example a 200 litre tank would need 10 x 200mg tablets or 5 x 400 mg tablets)

Am I missing something here or do you mean for a 200 litre tank I would need 1 200 mg tab and not 10?

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usual dose rates are 250mg per 10 gallons (40L) in water when dosing in the tank (as opposed to administering in the food). Therefore for your 200 litre tank approximately 5 250mg tabs. Administer each day or every 8 hours for 3- 5 days or until no slimy faeces are observed. as conch has said, do water changes between treatments

If administering in food (which can be more effective as you are getting the drug directly in to the gut) the recommended dose rate is 1 gram per 100gms of food. The other benefit is that your medication will go a lot further at this dose rate. Medicate every day or every 8 hours as effectiveness will lessen over time. Doh just read your post that he's not eating

Keep your filter on during this time, it won't adversely harm your bacteria, there is some reports that light can reduce the effectiveness but i've never bothered to turn off the lights

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