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My Beautiful Ugly Mutant


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I love them.Are they better outside or in.Ive been looking un trademe but cant make up my mind.Whats their life span compared to a normal gold fish.They are stunning.How long before they start to deveolpe their head growth???

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i guess everyone has differing opinions, i should know

but i have ne ver appreciated or liked any type of gold fish.

for some reason, i see them as fish food....... sorry for gold fish lovers

also, the bumps on the head, im sure that inhibits daily tasks such as... i dont know....living?

i saw some pretty nasty flowerhorns in thailand

the head humps are huge!

they cant even swim properly....

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was going to say the same thing henward goldfish are not my cup of tea but each to there own i hold nothing against people who like them but yeah i have the same question does there condition? make life hard for these guys? they are beautiful though love the coloring

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i definatley recognise the iking to them

i like different things about a fish

not my cup of tea.

i guess, ia lways look at it this way.

fi you release a flowerhorn or a parrot cichlid, though they are hybrids, somewhat ugly to some

they have a fighting chance in survival in the wild. why?

they still keep the main characteristicsof theirformer ancestors.

but gold fish?

i dont actually know so please educate me - do they exist in the wild?

what was the original form?

cos if you release tese orandas in the wild, they will die in less han a 1minutes from other fish. though that doesnt matter to billions who keep goldfish, fair enough

i guess i like fish that can survive, my personal thing and opinion though

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I love them.Are they better outside or in.Ive been looking un trademe but cant make up my mind.Whats their life span compared to a normal gold fish.They are stunning.How long before they start to deveolpe their head growth???

If you have a pond that will be the best(bigger volume of water) but they can be kept inside too in tanks. They eat and poo alot so need frequent water changes.

Lifespan pretty much similar to common goldie with proper care and diet.

Headgrowth- good quality oranda fed with plenty of life food and high protein food will start to develope headgrowth as early as 6 mths and continue to grow till about 4 years.


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was going to say the same thing henward goldfish are not my cup of tea but each to there own i hold nothing against people who like them but yeah i have the same question does there condition? make life hard for these guys? they are beautiful though love the coloring

Agree that different people have different liking to things. I see Axi as ugly looking thing (don't know what to class them in) that stay on the bottom most of the time and occationally struggle to the top only to end up at the bottom of the tank again.

As for the condition making life hard, they eat, swim, breeds normally. I suppose you can somehow compare them to woman with big upper body parts and ask them the same question :D


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fi you release a flowerhorn or a parrot cichlid, though they are hybrids, somewhat ugly to some

they have a fighting chance in survival in the wild. why?

they still keep the main characteristicsof theirformer ancestors.

This guy might struggle a bit;

Pretty gross IMO, the orandas look much nicer, although they're still not really my thing...

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