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Fmxmatt's Upgrade


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Like many others, I've decided after a mere 8 months in the hobby to upgrade to a bigger tank. Where the Juwel Trigon 350 corner tank has been good, I have found a lot of limitations especially with lighting, and the fact that I didnt take the time to sort out a sump to hide the skimmer etc.

Heres the new tank, work in progress



The tank has been built by Tim at insideoceans to fit the Rimu stand. Tim has also been kind enough to build me the overflow, sump, and sort out the plumbing.

Tank is 1450x600x600 and made from 10mm glass. At this stage it will sport eurobracing, with the option of a centre brace if I'm not happy (i.e any bowing). I wanted to keep the centre of the tank as free as possible for lighting purposes, which is my next mission.

Halides or a mass of T5's? With this tank i've always had the idea that I would run a couple of 250W MH's with a couple of 54W T5's (Combo unit like the Aqua Medic). However after talking with Tim, he suggested a mass of 54w T5's. I would've thought that being 600 high, that T5's wouldn't be powerful enough? Something i'm going to have to research a bit more I think. Any suggestions?

Secondly I'm still in 2 minds about using the coral sand from my old tank mixed with new coral sand. I would like to use it for the fact that its already seeded, and will mean that I shouldn't see huge algae blooms like I would if I used 100% new sand. On the otherside of the coin though, I am reminded by Jolliolli's misfortune and am concerned that using the old sand may result in the same way? And no, BB isn't an option. I like the look of the coral sand :)

Lastly I am still working out how I am going to transfer the livestock. As the new tank isn't required to be in the same place as the old tank, it gives me the time to be able to fill it and let it sit for a wee bit. Is it worth doing it this way and add a few rocks every day until they're transferred from 1 tank to the other, and then its just moving the fish? Or am I better planning out a whole day to transfer it all and use a large amount of the water already in my current tank?

Cheers :)

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Can't understand this fixation some have with t5s. Why run a "bunch" of flourescents, when you can have strong crisp light, with glitter lines etc with a couple of halides.

Just to be different??, who knows.

I have 8 t5s on my tank. They might as well not be there when the halides come on frankly. They are good as a light source before and after the halides come on and off, sort of like a morning/evening light,

Watch the cost of replacing these t5s every 9months as well.

Nice tank and stand BTW.

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Can't understand this fixation some have with t5s. Why run a "bunch" of flourescents, when you can have strong crisp light, with glitter lines etc with a couple of halides.

This is why I've asked the question. I've been running T5's on my current tank with is 600 deep aswel, and I dont think they are powerful enough, however these are 39W (well 45 cuz they're the new juwel ones) and I'm not sure how say 8x 54W would do?

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Can't understand this fixation some have with t5s. Why run a "bunch" of flourescents, when you can have strong crisp light, with glitter lines etc with a couple of halides.

Just to be different??, who knows.

I have 8 t5s on my tank. They might as well not be there when the halides come on frankly. They are good as a light source before and after the halides come on and off, sort of like a morning/evening light,

Watch the cost of replacing these t5s every 9months as well.

Nice tank and stand BTW.

The Halides will over power any fluro bulb when the come on as all there light is coming from a single source (point source).

The thing i like about fluro bulbs is

1. They can fit in under a hood, you don't have the big reflectors hanging above.

2.Your spread of light is even throughout the tank

3. you can spread out the cost of bulbs over the year, replacing 1 or 2 every month over the year.

4. You don't have quite the same over heating issues like with MH.

If i was to start another tank i would be going with T5s, i wouldn't go back to halides.

At the end of the day it is personal choice and it really depends on what you like the look of. In so far as coral choice I can't think of anything that you couldn't keep under T5s.

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looking good matt! i'l have to pm you to ask some detials about it. I'm doing the same at the moment, want to replace my tank, but not sure what to do, i like the look of the juwel vision 450 tanks and am thinking about getting one of these but the problem is the stand. Ilike your rimu tank very nice! thats the other option i was thinking of going with.

RE: my misfortune with the sand, i really think more and more that it was the rubber or cork tiles leaching something rather than the sand as i didn't see any black spots in the sand... i think you'd be safe with the sand (IMO)

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sand??, thats the stuff on beaches right.

Sure, you can keep acros at the top, but if your tank is for sps, then thats sure limiting.

T5s are ok on small tanks, but IMO are not a good option for large deep and particularly sps tanks. Plus I dont like the look - you are right TM, it's personal preference I guess, as long as newbies know what they are getting when talked into or out of various light systems.

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Good point TM,

haven't seen many display tanks with Acros on the bottom of the tank.

Normally people put their corals on different levels of the rock in the tank to suit the corals.

I've seen pictures of frag tanks that had Acros on the bottom, but then they were not very deep and were using T5's.

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T5s are ok on small tanks, but IMO are not a good option for large deep and particularly sps tanks. Plus I dont like the look - you are right TM, it's personal preference I guess, as long as newbies know what they are getting when talked into or out of various light systems.

And as long as those who run MH don't try to put them off alternate options just to justify the reasons that they have them - and vice versa. We all know that the T5 vs MH is a saga which will continue for many more years.

I'm taking alot of time looking into this lighting issue, and I see alot of reasons why and why not to run either T5 or MH or a combo of the 2. All I'm saying is that at the moment, I'm looking in favour towards the T5's :)

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And as long as those who run MH don't try to put them off alternate options just to justify the reasons that they have them - and vice versa. We all know that the T5 vs MH is a saga which will continue for many more years.

I'm taking alot of time looking into this lighting issue, and I see alot of reasons why and why not to run either T5 or MH or a combo of the 2. All I'm saying is that at the moment, I'm looking in favour towards the T5's :)

I don't need to justify anything, my tank does all the "justifying" I need.

What is such "a good point" about only keeping acros high when using T5s, and Camnbron, suggest you look about a bit more. There are loads of tanks with acros on the floor, loads.

You know, people ask questions, you reply, there is a healthy debate going on, then you get smart arse people making comments that they know little about.

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PP, as you mentioned, its personal preference. I dont want this thread to end up as a flaming match, and I greatly appreciate your input. Its just what I've found so far is that people who run MH seem to say that theres no other option if you want to keep acros and other SPS corals, but clearly there is (not everyone is saying this, so please dont be offended)

To be honest, its looking like the T5 unit is going to cost the same, if not more than an MH unit. So i'm still very much in the deciding stage. :)

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When i was speaking to Fmxmatt the other day about lighting i explained that i had used MH on my tank. 2x250w with the lumarc reflectors, tank was about 700high.

Don't get me wrong i do like the way MH look. I also found i couldn't keep acros right down the bottom as they were just not getting enough light, and the light they were getting wasn't reaching the sides of them.

I then went on to say that if i set up another tank i would drop the height to no higher than about 600mm and use T5s because i felt i would get a better light spread, i could hide the unit in under a hood and hopefully :D not over heat the tank quite the same.

Another personal reason was i found it hard to decide on what bulbs i liked and the different brands were not that common, out of the three or four sets of bulbs i brought two cam from overseas.

At least with t5 bulbs you can get them local, if the look is not blue or white enough for you, change a bulb and they were really cheap to buy.

OH and my tank was BB so not sure why i said sand :D

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Puttputt, the "good point" was that there are other lighting methods other than Metal halides. There are different ways of aquascaping display tanks, there probably are alot of tanks that have acros on the bottom, but going by the fact FMXMatt is transfering his existing tank stock, its not going to be a SPS dominant tank - so will be on different levels.

This subject is about FMXMatts tank build. Its good that you are happy with your tank, if it was my tank, I'd be pretty chuffed too. Can you post some new pics on your tank in your subject: Puttputts new tank


FMXMatt, have a look on the MASA forum in Australia. There are a number of knowledgable members there that use T5s for their lighting. You have to join to read the posts but thats no biggie heres a link to start you off:

T5 Q&A discussion thread

What a number of them do is have a mix of different tubes, individual reflectors and stagger the replacement of their tubes.

Have you had any thoughts about what you will do with your sump?

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If you read my posts, you'll find I run both. And know doubt there are some nice tanks with t5 only, however, go to reef central tanks of the month, and go through the last couple of years. Then come back and tell me how many are running t5s only.

I think we had established there are other lighting methods, so here's a "raising eyebrows" smillie for you :roll:

also you'll note in one of my post this

T5s are ok on small tanks, but IMO are not a good option for large deep and particularly sps tanks. Plus I dont like the look - you are right TM, it's personal preference I guess, as long as newbies know what they are getting when talked into or out of various light systems.

Can't see any fault with this comment.

I won't post new photos yet as Wasp visited on the weekend and he plans to write a post with a few pics.

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This subject is about FMXMatts tank build. Its good that you are happy with your tank, if it was my tank, I'd be pretty chuffed too. Can you post some new pics on your tank in your subject: Puttputts new tank


More SA comments eh?

I'm well aware on the title of this thread, thanks anyway.

so whats works on other tanks have nothing to do with discussing various light options? When i researched for my upgrade, what others were doing both here in NZ, and overseas played a big part in my decisions.

Apologies FMXmatt, seems others know alot better than me, so I'll keep out of the discussion.

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