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Needed some dither fish for the Lionhead tank (yes they have their own tank now). So went on my merry way to pet store to get some danios.

Came home with a 6 inch golden giant gourami :roll:

Apparently they grow up to an inch a week, so going to be needing a new tank soon I assume :oops:

Pics to come, just thought I'd share my little adventure on the weekend.

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ha ha, SW you just won't learn, eh!

You could try congo tetras or kribs as dither fish for the lionheads. Or, if you are keeping them in a higher pH, electric yellows.

I just got a pair too! :bounce: :bounce: Wonderful fish. Mine are in my big African rift tank, which is now fully stocked. yay.

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Yeah my lionheads were raised with convicts, and I'd say the Lionheads were slightly more aggressive when defending territory.

Anywho here he is:


Giant Golden Gourami, looks great, really curious fish, and he just has to glare at the lionheads to get them to move out of his way :)

Worked perfectly so far, the Lionheads quite happily swim out and about confidently now. Obviously if there are any problems I have other tanks and can move fish around if needed but they're getting on perfectly.

If he does grow an inch a week as some people have suggested on other messageboards then it wont be long until I have to give up my two 4ft setups for a single large tank before long.

Angelfish laid eggs again tonight, but dont have the energy to move the eggs. I'm also getting tired of changing my filter inlet tube haha

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I know you're trying to help offer good advice here, but I do know what I am doing. I am an experienced fish keeper and have done my research.

While it was an impulse buy I knew what I was in for. This post was more about having a laugh at what I've gotten myself in to and to share my new purchase with members rather than seeking advice.

There are other members of the FNZAS who own Giant Gourami's, and I've talked to them previously, read their posts on here (and on other forums). I'm quite aware of what is needed to care for a giant gourami. I'm also in a financial position where that won't be a problem.

I certainly wont be rehoming a 2' fish either. If I chose to rehome him it will be much earlier. If a larger tank is urgently needed it will likely be 6x2x2 to be replaced by an 8x3x2 in the future. I'll have to give up my two 4 foot tanks to allow space to do this. Once he's larger than 20cm I'll start talking to a vet to allow future moves to be done stress free.

At the moment he is very happy where he is but I will be sincerely watching his growth rate. He is being fed flake, peas and lettuce at the moment and is a real guts.

Given the large numbers of baby giant gourami I've seen available recently, I wouldn't be worrying about this one right at the moment :)

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in my opinion importers and pet shops bring in fish for different reasons, they think it will sell or it has been ordered and then not picked up etc,

if no one buys a potentially big fish from the shop and they can't house it long term then it will be put down or maybe given away.

some shops don't inform people or they don't know themselves

personally i think giving a fish a home for awhile is better than no home at all and a death at a young age.

the ones you need to be rarking up are the importers not fellow forum members,

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I know you're trying to help offer good advice here, but I do know what I am doing. I am an experienced fish keeper and have done my research.

Yeah, as said above, I'm not "trying to teach the newbie a lesson" or anything like that, just chipping in my 2c. I'm glad to see this ones gone to a good home, I'm sure a lot of them end up dead/stunted in 2' tanks, just like pacus and oscars :(

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All good David. I just didn't want my thread turning in to a finger-wagging session because it brings unnessecary negativity to something I was stoked about. Also my fish was a re-homee, not fresh imported stock via Animates or anything like that.

To be honest the vast majority of Giant Gourami end up as food, as that is what they're actually bred for.

Mystic - if you want to vent or protest about the situation of large fish being imported pretty please create another thread. I'm just trying to enjoy my purchase with other people.

Danilda - you're welcome to come back anytime. He's really curious, great fish. The angels that laid last night were standard striped angels but I do have some black fry on the grow ;)

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At the end of the day who is to say what an "adequate home" for a fish in captivity is? Some would say if the water is clean and the fish is healthy then its all good (ie Japanese-style tanks), others would claim that tinfoil barbs need to be kept in schools of 10+ and in 12'+ length tanks so they can swim freely.

Either way, I'm sure this gourami will grow old and happy. Helen at HFF is old as the hills and doesn't seem worried about not having a 3' wide tank.

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