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Air pump?


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No dumb questions :)

Many pumps are left on 24/7, also many pumps turned off so the owners/parents/partners/flatmates can sleep.... ;)

The only times they MUST be left on is if they are driving filtration equipment or if the tank is so overstocked they would be surface gasping otherwise (which is just a bad idea to begin with...)

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LOL :P we all get a bit obsessed with our fish, I never did quite stop being that :P

Now that is a very good question you have brought to my attention, I know airstones are good things, but do you think they annoy the fish at all? with the noise and whatnot, Ive always wondered that.

I know personally the noise annoys the hell out of me! :lol: My fish are certainly more active when I have an airstone going, compared to when they dont have one... hmmmm

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Yah I have noticed that they seem to be more active, but the guppy fry I have showed a lot of interest towards the airstone when i first got it. dont think it stresses them out though. I just wondered if it kept them up at night..

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