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My 1st BBS System- Pics


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Ok so thanks to Barrie I have had a go at setting up a BBS system so i can have a conutinous supply. As i have a moulded tank with a lid, the usual way with clips on the side of the tank wasnt going to work for me.

1st i tried an upside down lemonade bottle with the bottom cut off and an airline tube connected to the lid. This was held in place by one of those suckers that you get with heaters. Perfect sizing for the neck of the bottle.


But as luck would have it, one night the sucker let go. (you always have 1) so then i tried the other sucker i had and just put a rubber band around the top of the bottle to keep it afloat. This seemed to work fine.

So i hooked up another bottle, with the main airline going into the complete bottle and the second airline coming out of the top of that bottle and going into the lid of the secong bottle. (rembering the bottles are upside down)


Then i had an idea about polystyrene. If i cut out 2 holes and just poke the bottles thru?? But the bottles just went straight thru. So i cut the poly in half and just attached each end with a band to my 2 suckers.


This way is working so far as i can take one bottle out and the other isnt afftected. Its more to keep them steady.


By the way, i have 1 bottle with sea water and one bottle with my own mix (experiment) of 250ml warm water, 1 teaspoon rock salt - dissolved, 1/2 teaspoon BBS. My tank temp is around 25-27 and they are both hatching fine. Although i did think my mix had them hatching faster? but then again it could have been the fact i started with warm water.

Any other suggestions or comments welcomed.

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for mine i just make 2 cuts about 40mm apart down the bottle, fold that bit over hook it over and peg to the side of the tank.

only suggestion i could make is if you cut down the bottles more so they are smaller it will make the brineys easier to reach/get out?

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only suggestion i could make is if you cut down the bottles more so they are smaller it will make the brineys easier to reach/get out?

Yep, i agree. thats why i'm only using small lemonade bottles not large ones. I am just using a 20ml syringe to suck a few shrimp out once hatched and then rinsing them for a feed.

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  • 6 months later...

I have one 1250ml bottle with an air hose in the bottom and an element in the top. Every 24 hours I turn off the heater and air and let it settle for five minutes then run all the live brinies out the hose and into another container. Seive off half and feed out and keep the rest in a jar with and airstone to feed out later. Fresh stuff every day and no hassles---how it should be.

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Amazonian, have you glued the air hose into the container or have you used a gromet and if so, where did you get them from?

looks like Amazonian's got clear gromets?

you can get black rubber gromets of varying sizes from most hyrdoponic shops possible rural supplies like farmlands, anyone that sells irrigation should stock them etc

I got some from otaki hydroponic shop for my old setup, they make things nice and tidy :lol:

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HI All

Thanks for the comments. 8)

You will have to come along to a meeting, I think March; about "FOODS and FEEDING". :roll:

We will have a workshop and all the members who haven't already got one of the hatcheries can build one of their own. :wink:




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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

Thanks. :roll:

I have been hatching BBS for years and every so often I stop and look at how I did it before, and what I could do to improve what I have.

These units have been in use now for about five years and believe me they are really efficient.

I hatch a minimum of 10grams a day in each unit, but they are capable of hatching 15grams a day and I have three days worth with the three containers.

Day one and the 1st container is used, second day the second container and day three the last one.

As the BBS hatches in 24 hours I have progressive sizes over the three days as they grow that little weeee bit more.

I can harvest two size grades on day one and three size grades on the second and third day.

And "Le piece de resistance" is that the whole thing just pulls apart to clean thoroughly, and can be put back together in under 1 and half minutes ready to refill.


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