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Breeding fighters


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Ok I've taken the male out as I've read that they can get stressed and eat them when ther're free swimming and I've fed them some liquid fry food for egg layers. I'm sure that they are fry and they're from this spawn as thet're tiny and when I shine a torch on them they have a tail. They sort of just sit there and then dart around then sit there again. from head to tail they're about 2mm long. Does this sound like just free swimming fry also I remember that certain temps will make them consume their egg sack faster and hatch faster. I suppose all I can do is wait and see if they turn into baby bettas or not.

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Okay - take the exact time you put them in together, if it was an instant spawn and it does happen, believe me, add 25 hours which would be the minimum time for a hatch if the room is warm as well as the tank. You would need several hours (like about 20-24) for them to start to swim by themselves. I don't believe that the father fighter would be ignoring them if they were his fry. I am also sure that you would have seen him tending to the nest and eggs at some stage as he needs to keep them clean in order to stop any fungus happening.

I don't think that what you see are fighter fry, at least not from this lot and if the water did really get cold - as opposed to get really cold - then they wouldn't be from an earlier lot.

I have just put another pair of mine together and will try and document their progress for you to look at. At the moment she is very stroppy and keeps flying at him but she is a real tart at the best of times anyway :lol:

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Just looked to see what planaria looks like and I'm prwetty sure it isn't them as these things/fry just look like a little splinter dot thing but when you shine a torch on them they have a tail which makes them look like fry. When they go up against a white peice of paper they're shadow is the same shape as fry aswell. they're everything that a fry should be but the time doesn't fit. Anyone have an idea how I can get a pic it would really help if you could see what it looks like.

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thats what I've been hoping Ron.

the only other thing it can be is perhaps they did survive from the previous spawn and if they haven't been fed for a week or just over are still really tiny, they may have just been existing on the water.

Do they look like the fry pic I posted as they are only 2-3 days old.

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Ok guys I've just done water change in the tank where I put the female after I took her out the breeding setup and sucked up about 200 hundread eggs :evil: . Which means that the "things" are deffinately aren't fry. I suppose all I can do is feed them up and try again :roll: . The thing that really annoyed me was the male hadf a nice big bubble nest and the female was ready but the male wasn't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I'm trying to breed them again. Any tips as this my 4th spawn without any luck. The male has a bubble-nest and the female has eggs. At the moment the male is sitting under the nest and sometimes going up to her and flaring then going back to his nest as if say "follow me". The female sometimes goes up to the nest and and if she turns to leave or doesn't do any thing he chases her away. Does this sound likes going to plan? I put her in with him this morning.

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No eggs so far :(:( . At the moment the male has got an awesome bubble nest going and seems more interested in it than before. The female is going up to him and poking him in the side and then going head down with all her fins clamped to the side of her body, then the male will chase her off unless she is right under his nest then he'll wait until she moves and then chase her off :x:x . She now has shredded fins but is still keen to breed. she looks like she still has lots of eggs and I can't see any eggs in the nest so I don't think they've breed. I've seen the male wrap around her once but I didn't see any eggs come out. Is this normal and what should I do?

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Thhey've finished breeding and I've taking the female out and put her in some tonic. They layed 15-30 eggs each time the male wrapped himself around her and they've laid about 200 eggs :bounce: :bounce: . How do I know if the eggs are fertilised?? He had her upside down when she layed them. The parents were excellent the male got the ones that were falling and the female got the ones that were on the bottom. What colour are fertilised eggs? They spawned at the same time as they did last time and the weather was the same so that must be how the like it. I hope they are fertilised as this was they're 4th spawn.

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