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Poor Condition of Goldfish at the LFS's


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Also Kelsta I think Ira is just having you on! :lol:

Saying that what you saw might not have even been a goldfish :-?

Well, I'm more saying that complaining about deformed mutant goldfish is like going to a weight watchers meeting to pick up chicks and complaining that they're all fat.

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I think its digusting how pet shops can keep these clean enclosures for birds, rodents and dogs etc but have no idea how to look after fish. I think fish are often mistreated because they are difficult to relate to. as they are in no way anything like humans. Ie the SPCA can take away your dog if you keep in chained all the time put no one will even turn a blind eye if you keep a fish in a tank far to small for it.

As for the quality of goldfish, I dont think goldfish are a very good fish for beginners, they have a huge bioload ,they get huge, they are not a natural animal and for some reason people think they can be kept in small prisons known as 'goldfish bowls' :evil: .

In england I think the chain petshops there all have policys to not sell bettas or goldfish in bowls and advice people about the correct filtartion and tank sizes. I think someone should petition to have something like that happen here.

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In england I think the chain petshops there all have policys to not sell bettas or goldfish in bowls and advice people about the correct filtartion and tank sizes. I think someone should petition to have something like that happen here.

Well, we alone are nearly (2994 :lol: ) strong, and thats not even counting all the other fish keepers in New Zealand, Surely that should be enough, if not the general public as well if needed :o

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next I'll be emailing my customers about how to care for goldfish

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was in Wal-mart one time and the person selling the fish was telling a customer what to do with her filter. Now this was probably over a year ago, anyway I don't remember why she was telling her what to do or what, for that matter but the point I'm trying to make is that I knew enough from here that it was wrong. I stalked, err, followed :wink: the lady and explained to her what she needed to do.

Recently, I was in there and a young lady was buying a tank and goldfish. I was waiting, yeah eavesdropping :o waiting to see if the clerk was going to tell her about the new tank/fish. I'd walk away, telling myself none of my business, go back and listen again, walk away. Finally when the clerk didn't say a word other than which goldfish. I asked the young lady if she was planning on putting the fish in this tank when she got home. She said yes because they keep dying in the other tank. :o I told her if she goes home and puts the fish in the new setup and could die too. That is when the clerk said, oh yah, you should put this in the other tank! Anyway, I had to go. But I did see the girl at the check out, no fish and no tank.


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I know what you mean! It is so hard because you hover, hearing people getting such bad advice and hearing them say their fish keep dying, and you're just busting to say something, but it's always the fear of upsetting the staff that holds me back!

I'll try the quiet sneaky approach next time - you know, just have a word in the customer's ear while the staff member isn't looking!

On Saturday, a young girl of about 20 was in with her boyfriend buying more fish because all her other ones "keep dying". She was buying goldfish, and I was just dying to diagnose her problem and find out what might be causing the deaths, but I didn't say a word because staff were listening and now I really regret it. I will next time.

There was another woman with her young child buying 2 goldfish and small BOWL!!! And there was an older guy whose fish kept dying as well, and the assistant was saying all the wrong things - he had new tank syndrome and it was still cycling but if he was following her advice, his fish would keep dying! I had cycling problems as well due to bad advice from that store but fortunately I found you guys! :bow:

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We're a bit lucky up here - we have an amazing LFS where everyone knows their fish - all the staff that I have met there have basic knowledge, and two of the staff are fantastic with advanced knowledge - they even remember your fish - there is another shop in Whangarei that isn't in the same league - I see sick fish in tanks and won't buy from there again.

I haven't heard any bad advice to correct in the good LFS.

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That's awesome - so good to hear :D

There is one particular staff member here in Wgtn who considers herself an expert on fish, (and to her credit, does remember you and your fish etc.) but we've got some of the WORST advice from her of the lot. :roll:

Unfortunately (from what I've observed) because she ocnsiders heself an expert, the other staff take their cues from her.

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One day I wen't into a Animates down here and I asked for a discus

(for Mum)

and this older lady

(who was working at the time, haven't seen her since)

starting going off her rocket , saying you have to be experienced with them, and didn't really want to sell it to me, she was not polite to me at all, spoke to me like I was thick, and I was like back up :roll: (in a nice way) I breed them (a lie I know) I think I know all about them (another lie) she wen't so red :oops: gave me $10 off.

The point is, she didn't (politely) ask if I was experienced she assumed, and its the assuming thats letting them down also. Maybe they assume people know about cycling etc.

I think this lady had a little knowledge, just not sure how to use it nicely.

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Yes I had the same thing happen to me at Animates! A young girl once went on an on at me for ages about very basic concepts which I was already aware of and practising and in fact probably knew a lot more than she did, but she seemed on a bit of a power trip and was being very condescending. It made me very cross :x

She assumed I was inexperienced and needed lecturing. Which was not the case.

She actually had some very silly advice as well and if I'd followed it my fish would have suffered. Yes, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing!

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