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looks like a shag pile carpet

Darrell Quadling

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I have a small 40 lt tank that has everything yes plants, glass, rocks. driftwood covered in small ( 1 to 2 mm ) white single stem what looks like sea anenomy..this is a fresh water tank...how do I get rid of them ? I am doing 25% water changes each day that is having some effect but have been told a car battery terminals in the water will get rid of this & not harm the fish ?? any comments that will help would be appriciated..

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like anything, they just spread from wherever they lived first and came on whatever carried them. Like snails coming in on plants, they probably came in that way. As a hydra can grow from a bit of hydra it wouldn't be hard.

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The electricity does exactly squat. What you're doing is dumping copper from the wire into the water. As everyone knows, copper is extremely toxic to most invertebrates. There are many ways much easier to dose the tank with copper than roundabout way like running electricity through a wire in the tank.

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The battery trick works best with copper wires, as the electricity causes copper ions from the wire to end up in the water (don't ask me the tech stuff of this, I'm not smart enough to explain it properly). Obviously copper is not good for any inverterbrate, so remove all snails, shrimps etc.

Doing a water change next day will lower the dissolved copper level in the water.

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An old fashioned cure for whitespot was to add a penny or copper wool and remove it when the snails started crawling out of the water as they are more sensitive to copper. The battery works the same way as electro plating copper or any metal but only works in acid conditions

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