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Help! Spot the Plant Eater 0.0


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Well at the moment I am trying to plant out my 320L, but after buying a very nice large Amazon Sword I have noticed holes have appeared all over my new plant and am not very happy :evil:

Can you help me spot the plant eater/s;

2x Angels

3x Dwarf Gouramis

3x Male Swordtails

1x Tyre Track Eel- baby

1x Golden Algae Eater

4x Kribensis

3x Clown Loaches

??x Kuhli Loaches

2x Emerald Barbs

??x Corydoras

I have my supensions, golden "plant" algae eater or Emerald "plant" barbs.

Also to add, there are no snails in the tank as the clowns would not give them a chance.

Please give your ideas, what can I feed them so they won't eat the plants.

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My money would be on the clown loaches - it's why I no longer keep them with broad leaved plants - ended up with holes in the leaves (often with a slight horse-shoe shape to the holes). Also probably why you don't catch the culprit at it - since clown loaches are often quite active at night (trying to winkle out those snails).

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I suspect that it is the plant loosing its 'air' leaves and regrowing in submerged form. A lot of plants are grown hydroponically and need time to adapt once they are submersed in a tank. You may well find that some fish nibble at the edge of the patches as the leaves die off, but they won't be causing the holes - just cleaning up :wink:

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One of my 3 clowns likes to put holes in leaves (i have seen him clicking away at them heheheh), sometimes he does it more than other times (depends on how much he has had to eat and how soft the leaves are as he loves the new shoots). Maybe put some algae tablets in for food and they might leave the plants alone or just buy lots more plants and then he will have to much choice and you wont notice the damage as much (this is what i did).

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My gourami nibbles his plants. (When he's not beating the **** out of his "friend", also a gouami .... who went back to LFS in shame).

Do you have snails? I found lods of snails came free with our plants. They put small hols in leaves like you describe as well as the fish mentioned by the others.

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