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is that people who fiddle about with arowana :o

yes i am guilty

what size is that one?

:lol: silly billy- phil- is the latin word meaning love - so a pediophile is either a person who loves kids or a person who loves... feet? :lol:

and a Arowanaphile is a person who loves arowanas.... get it??? :lol:

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there are so many fish in that tank its not funny

10+discus(i breed alot of discus, need a place to put some), 30+clown loachers, clown knife, fire eel, tyre track eel, half banded eel, peacock eel, silver dollar, balloon kissing gouramis, couple of royal plecos

plus 30+ feeder fish that didnt get eaten, Odessa barb, convict chiclid,lol

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yeah, its good that wy, planted so it hunts like in the wild

makes them active and aggresive:D

i love it!

i would say that aros are my favourite fish (that you can get in nz)

then dats are now second:D

i would love a aro comm tank

but sadly i am not brave enough to risk a 2k fish:D

when i set up my 1200l, i would probably try to buy adult aros and put it together. still thinking about it lol

ill have 3 dats in there, larges ones, so filtration needs to be extreme

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Nice tank, love the red ....

How many Aro's did ya loose before these lot got on?

And wat size are they all?

none, i have had a few different silver together they never had any problems, maybe i just have good luck getting very gentle silvers but bad luck with jumping aro's and eatable size aro's

red is about 8", the silvers are about 15"

lol there was 50+ barbs in that tank, probably still a good 30 and the convicts about 20....the aro's has given up trying to eat them

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  • 6 months later...

nothing much has changed, tank is a mess, alot of the plants are gone and alot of fish has died from different reasons; asian aro, clown loaches, tyre track eel, royal plecos, gold nugget plecos, blue phantom pleco, scarlet pleco....

will slowly replace the fish that died and re-do the tank once i have more time

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