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Hauturu- Little Barrier


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Here are a few Pics from my stint on LBI...

Will hopefully put more in good time.

Saw Lots of things including:


-Copper, Marbled, Moko, Ornate and Shore Skinks

-Pacific, Forest and Common Geckos

-Wetapunga, 3species of cave weta, ground weta and tree weta

-Hundreds of Saddlebacks, Kiwi, Hihi, Robins and Bellbirds etc


-Lesser-short-tailed and long-tailed bats

-A Marlin jumping on the way out

-Hammerheads and Bronze whalers

It was a real wildlife experience- hard work though!!! Lots of bushwacking, climbing up dried up waterfalls etc.

Rhighto- heres some pics

Wetapunga (Little Barrier Island Giant Weta)


On my hand for a better size reference


Tuatara (Juvie)


Spot the Camoflauged Hoplodactylus pacificus


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Wetapunga are far more docile than Tree Weta. They can bite though.

I was over there for 2 1/2 weeks as a volunteer working for DoC. It is hard to get over there if you are not working for DoC as you will need a permit to stay overnight, but you can get over for day trips, about 300 people go over every year but you'll pay through the nose for it, particularly if you want to take your own boat out. When I was there I was primarily trying to catch Chevron Skinks (2 have been found on little barrier in the last 20 years), but I was also setting up and monitoring pitfall traps to catch Copper skinks, Moko Skinks, Shore Skinks, Marbled Skinks etc...

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