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Bent Clown Knife


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Unfortunately my clown knife (~12cm long) has turned in to an S shape. He *can* straighten up but does so only to swim and its very rare. Was hoping it was temporary but its been two weeks now.

He's eating happily, no problems with other fish in the tank. Being fed 99% prawns from the freezer, kept at around 26C, looks healthy except for the bends :(

Any ideas? My guess is we'd need to put him down, but hoping somebody here has some ideas.

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Why put him down if hes still eating fine, acting happy and generally is alright.....

Because he looks rediculous, nobody wants to see a metre long clown knife thats in a constant S shape. He's also less energetic which I imagine is because its much harder for him to swim now. Looking at him just makes me feel sad and thats not really why I have fish.

Looking on other forums it seems that it is likely a physical injury and unlikely to fix itself.

If anybody wants him they're welcome, but over the next few weeks I'll have to put him to sleep somehow (clove oil?). Really sad about it :( but I can't fix him. In the wild he'd get eaten and it'd be done with.

Lesson being that young clown knives are delicate, and structures where they might get stuck should be avoided at all times.

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Its not hunched, its bent. Its also causing him to keep his mouth slightly open.

Simiilar to this example: http://www.3reef.com/forums/attachments/fish-disease/3389d1076381371-fish-bent-please-help-img00005.jpg

If it was just some small fish I'd let it live, but its going to grow to a metre long here, thats too much money and investment to put in to what will become an eyesore.

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Yeah for sure, anyone who wants one I'd happily give him away.

Currently eats defrosted prawns and bloodworms. Not aggressive unless a large fish is near his gave and you see the mouth open as he gently pushes them out.

Used to get excited and swim out at feeding time, now because its harder to swim he does this less.

Might be an interesting fish eater for breeders with unwanted stock too.

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To put it lightly, its f****d.

I'm going with bent spine. Not suprisingly nobody at all is interested in taking him on, so I've passed on orders (with instructions) to have him put out of his misery/uncomfortable situation.

Using the instant method of a wack on the head. Its the quickest and least stressful option. Being my pet there is no way I could do it, hence why I've passed detailed instructions on to somebody else to do it (who isnt gushy over animals).

If he wasn't going to get bigger I'd keep him, but a fish that grows to over a metre long and already has a bent spine this early, growing him out is a BAD idea.

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I had to euthanase(sp?) a tetra recently (it had TB i was told). In the net, walked outside and swung the net handle/frame parallel to the down part of the concrete steps. lil fish went flying out the net and landed 4 feet away :lol: I am convinced it didn't fell a thing

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I used to keep a Jaguar Cichlid. Biggest thing I miss about him was an easy way to get rid of smaller fish that had deformaties. Paticularly weak platties etc that I couldn't have breeding.

Fish being eaten by fish is OK with me provided the fish is swallowed and gone in one go. Which is much nicer than the 500 other ways they could die in the wild.

Anyway some bad news henward, clown knife was with my parents, when I went back there last night they had already put him to 'sleep' as it were. No suffering, just a quick wack over the bench, gone in a second. To be honest probably for the best, it did not look comfortable at all.

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