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Has anybody used one of these


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Hi All,

I was offered a "SOLE NEW ZEALAND AGENCY" by the manufacturer of these filters.

I asked for samples of this product 9 months ago but the samples still have not arrived and any correspondence with the company is ignored.

Trouble was that the same company sells them to anybody who will buy a minimum 1 carton and then T/T the payment in $US to them.


The same thing happened when I was investigating importing "RESUN" products.

When I complained to the company, they told me;

"They must have been sent into NZ from a private person in Australia".

How stupid do these PEOPLE think we are.



Mod - SW - low level racism has been removed, keep it clean.

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If the low level racism has been removed from amazonians post above, then why hasnt the shoelace part been removed too? I would find that offensive if i were asian.....

EDIT: by the way, i personally wouldnt touch it with a barge pole by the look of it. It is cheap nasty crap IMO*

*your opinion may vary

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3 types of buyers IMO

1. Willing to pay the price and get top shelf/quality

2. Not willing to fork out top $ for a product so goes for medium ground

3. Wants a product now and wants it on the cheap and so is willing to have a "inferior" product

Walk into your local supermarket and look at the inferior brands (pams? signature range?) They are a cut price product and people still seam to buy them. Why? As they do what people want them to do

Why should people be forced to fork out heaps of $$ and get a top shelf product? Not all people are addicted to fishkeeping and demand high quality products

I have purchased products of that trader and have found them to be top notch. My 2 heaters that i got off them where from a faulty batch, they replaced them both(at separate stages) at their cost(inc courier)

Sent one heater back and they 2nd one i didnt have too(cost me $3.50)

But its all ways worth supporting you local fish shop!!!!!!!!!!!!

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these filters are good dont diss the cause there asian most filters ect are made in china and that. I got a 1020lph filter from there and its great nothing wrong with it and it is quality don't judge them till you get one and try it urself and racism is just a stupid way to sugest that it is bad, all races are the same just look different ect because of isolation and asians are brainy they make brainy things these are just as good as any other filter that ive had so go ahead and buy one!!!!!!!!

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I have also traded with that trader and have also found their items to be perfectly fine with no issues. I have brought heaters, pumps etc...never a problem. I agree with supporting your local fish shop...but many NZ'ers do not have a local fish shop so they will happily use TM.

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Walk into your local supermarket and look at the inferior brands (pams? signature range?) They are a cut price product and people still seam to buy them. Why? As they do what people want them to do

Well, totally OT but when it comes to food products, a lot of the "budget" ranges are exactly the same as the ones in flasher packets - to the point of being made by the same people. So quite frankly I know I'm stupid to buy food for the pretty packaging I'm going to throw out anyway, but I'm an incorrigible magpie :lol:

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have had manufacturing experience where same product is packed under different brands ..... i.e. supposedly high quality well respected brands and exactly same product packaged as 'house' brands (PAMS, etc)

and I bet a lot more of it goes on than we realise!!!

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I remember my husband having a good laugh at a Consumer magazine test for computer monitors. The "Best" and "Worst" in the test both came off the same assembly line in the same factory but just had a different brand name sticker slapped on them at the end :wink:

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