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What are those stars for???


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hae! :bounce: i wanted to know what those stars are(next to your name and pic when you post a blog) when i hold my mouse over them it says 0 (im really new here) how do i encrease my star 'rating' other peoples seem to vary from 0-5 also who is caryol(spelling) and why is she called the moderator?what does she do??? :-?

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The stars are a post count thingy, I think. Mine appeared when I reached 100 posts. Increase your stars by posting.

Caryl is a moderator because among others she looks after the forum and makes sure we stick to the rules. Other than that, she's a regular poster here and a helpful person with advice. Caryl also has a nice big pond she keeps us updated with too, see the coldwater section.

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Like Caryl said the stars are fairly meaningless,unfortunately some people treat them as medals and sometimes that gives the wrong impression especially to newbies. However in Caryl's case it is a good representation to her dedication to the hobby and her knowledge.

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I was the first member so have had more time to post than the rest of you. When Cees first set up the site I was the only one who had access to it for a while as he used me as the guinea pig to see if I could use it, find bugs etc. So I had a head start :wink:

At the time I had never heard, or seen, of forums so he figured if I could follow his instructions, anyone could.

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HAHAHAHAHHA Caryl i might..... I have to put some pics up of my tank.... but my phtotbucket is stupid and makes pics small. oh yea the pins in my toes come out on wednesday the surgon said he just pulls them out i dont get morphine or nothing lol..... any way back on topic Stars mean nothing

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