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Anyone got arachnids?


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Hello fellow spider fans, I had the pleasure of keeping a female tunnelweb (P antipodiana) in a terrarium for about 7 months last year - she was so beautiful and it was just fascinating to watch her eating, digging and spinning :-) She successfully mated with a male I popped in and raised some wee fellas up to the stage where they were just beginning to venture out of the tunnel and check out the world. All was just great to observe :-) I'll try and post a pic of her

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I cant remember if I have posted on this thread before but I am currently caring for a mexican red knee tarantula, a goliath bird eating taratula, a pair of rose tarantulas, a katipo, about 25 avondale spiders (and 9 babies), a white tail, 2 water spiders and a nursery web spider, I think thats it...

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Hey Stella, its me, Amber I finally gave in and signed up :-) I fed her adult mealworms mostly as someone was growing them in the control temp room next door (lazy) but she got a few isopods here and there as well, never got her to eat a snail... Did you not meet her when you came to visit?

davidb, I wish I was yooouuuu :-) are your water spiders aquaticus? I been working in a stream thats got heaps and heaps of Dolomedes III, they're pretty impressive looking spiders!

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:lol: Hi Amber!

Now keeping Dolomedes aquaticus would be very very cool.....

Am going to start a mealworm culture soon (am moving at the start of Jan and will have more room for cultures. I am sure the neighbours will love the mossie larvae!)

Maybe I did meet her when I first visited you at massey? Don't think I saw her but saw her apartments.

EVERYONE wishes they were DavidB :hail::wink:

(btw I have that dead freshwater crab ready whenever you want to pick him up)

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