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Could i Have a aro in this tank


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hi guys i was wondering could i get a 15cm aro in my tank 100cm long by 75 high and 50 wide. the only fish that would b in there are 2 plecos and 3 clown loaches(small) and maybe 2 baby oscars is that 2 much or would they get along etc etc? oh yes it is 325l and it is amde of 10mm glass.

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The problem is that although you could fit those fish in the tank now, they are only babies. Give them six months and you are going to have serious overcrowding happening. Long term an arowana is going to want something like 1,000 litre tank. Even the Oscars can grow to 30cm, thats going to make the tank look pretty small :o



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come on guys

people ask cos they dont know

asking for experience,no need to give this person flack!

to nswer your question which is apparent, no, you can 'fit' one in but it wont live for long. i had a 22 inch silver in a 5.5 foot, it was too small for it, when they are confined and uncomfortable, they will jump often and probably kill themselves doing so. or break your tankwhich also kills them.

you need a minimu 6 foot for this fish , at 15 cm maybe you can, ut not for long, they grow fast o more than a foot probably with in or less than a year.

the trick with this fish is not the height of tank, its depth, front to back. and length

leave space and dont fill water to the top so they can jump and thrash when hunting

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henward wrote:

people ask cos they dont know

asking for experience[/quote

Well said :bow: :bow: :bow:

I use google alot, but I can tell you right now I will still come here and ask and sometimes I ask here first because I trust the people here. But I still might google just to try and get as much info as possible depending on what the question is. But the bottom line is, I trust people here and love having their help and input :bow::bow::bow::bow:


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on that note

google always says put certain substrate for beardeds

which is cow manure

also dont feed them big cickets ider than their eyes

do you think in the wild they will say, that jumping cricket, although delicious is a little too big for me, i need something smaller.


google has brilliant info, definatley but experience is better.

:) my 4 cents

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I might add that Oscarboy has asked this question (or a variation on it) several times before - the answer from experienced keepers has always been the same - decide what fish you really want to keep, and if the answer is Oscars, then get rid of the other fish NOW. If it is any other fish, then get rid of the Oscars NOW. Until he decides if he is keeping the Oscars or not, there is no point speculating about what other fish he might put in the tank. Time to make some decisions, Oscarboy :wink:

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come on guys

people ask cos they dont know

asking for experience,no need to give this person flack!

You're right, to a certain extent. A question like 'can I fit an oscar/arowana in X tank' is pretty basic stuff that anyone with a few braincells should be able to answer in five minutes with a Google search. The 'basics' have been covered so many times that people shouldn't need to waste their bandwidth answering them for the 20th time, you can't constantly spoon-feed information to people.

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I suspect that quite often people ask these sorts of questions even though they know the answer and that the answer is something they don't really like, and by asking they are hoping that someone will give them encouragment to do what they want to do, rather than what they know they should do.

Oscarboy, decide what fish you want to keep now and you'll avoid a whole lot of problems - if you do nothing, or keep stuffing fish into that tank, you are going to regret it.

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people want , myself also

sometimesknow its not a good idea, b ut want someone to say giv eit a go for cofort:D

but at the same time

when you become an experienced fish keeper, wether it be pretty colous or you are a MFK or reef

you end up knowing the deal on things

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You're right, to a certain extent. A question like 'can I fit an oscar/arowana in X tank' is pretty basic stuff that anyone with a few braincells should be able to answer in five minutes with a Google search. The 'basics' have been covered so many times that people shouldn't need to waste their bandwidth answering them for the 20th time, you can't constantly spoon-feed information to people.

I wonder what kind of tank youd need to fit your ego into. Seriously, this is a forum for everyone. If no one is willing to answer someones question becuase they could "just go on google" then why do we have fnzas??

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So, even though everyone on the thread has said no, he is still going to do it. THATS why some people dont wanna help.

EDIT: Yarimochi..... you were the one bagging 'emily' in the other thread saying 'oh its obvious this isn't going to happen, blah blah blah' Big negative of you isn't it? "Why do we even bother having FNZAS" when people just bag each other? :wink:

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