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I Just got 9 "NEONS" from animates


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I was in animates today and there was one girl who didn't look like she new what she was talking about down by the fish. so i thought i would ask her which tank the neons were in so she said theis tank here and pointed to the cardinals so i asked how much they were and she said $3.50each.

i thought to myself i wont say anything as i asked for her to show me where they were and it was not my problem that she did not know what she was doing.

So i said i would take 6 and get 3 free

after about 20 minutes of waiting for her to catch them i finally paid for my "neons" and left :lol:

so i think that they should get some staff who know a bit about fish and other pets or else they are going to loose alot of money. :-?

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Did you know that under the CGA, there is a clause designed to protect shops?

If you KNOW the shop has made a mistake and profitered from it, the shop is able to take you to court to regain costs. They can also claim back the costs for taking you to court as well.

So. Just be careful :)

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Ah yes, to the average person yes, but when you then state what has happened on a public forum....

Pricing mistakes

If an item is advertised for sale at a particular price, but you get to the shop only to be told that there has been a mistake and the item is, in fact, more expensive, the trader doesn't have to sell you the item for the advertised price. They are entitled to claim if a genuine mistake was made.

The Act recognises a "reasonable mistake" which may have got through the checking system, or has perhaps been caused by the actions of a third party. However, if a particular trader is always claiming that a "genuine mistake" has been made, they may be in breach of the Act regardless of their plea.

- From www.consumer.org.nz / Fair Trading Act / Common Questions. IE, quoting a price for 10 fish, and leaving off a 0 at the end. This is a reasonable mistake.

And unfortunately I can't find the other bit :/

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Obviously they don't have tags underneath their tanks to state what fish is in each tank..., bit silly really when they don't have "fishy" people working in their fish section... it might be morally wrong but at the end of the day, they should have a better system in their shop if they are going to hire staff that can't recognise fish... they should get the tagging system that was on offer a while ago with pictures of each fish species and info on the fish that you could slide in under tanks when selected fish were ordered in... that way their staff won't be making those sorts of mistakes and the store won't end up at a loss :lol:

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Obviously they don't have tags underneath their tanks to state what fish is in each tank..., bit silly really when they don't have "fishy" people working in their fish section... it might be morally wrong but at the end of the day, they should have a better system in their shop if they are going to hire staff that can't recognise fish... they should get the tagging system that was on offer a while ago with pictures of each fish species and info on the fish that you could slide in under tanks when selected fish were ordered in... that way their staff won't be making those sorts of mistakes and the store won't end up at a loss :lol:

the one in palmy has those

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