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Hi! Thought I better introduce myself and let everybody know my "story" :D

I have been keeping fish myself for four months, but I've been around them for alot longer. I am also really into all animals (cats are my absolute fave but i'm not allowed anymore for a while) and have at the moment three cats and have just adopted a baby bunny.

At the moment I have 2 tanks up & running: a 160L Jebo that has three younge oscars, a BGK, a bigish red spot pleco and a peacock spiny eel. I will need to get a much bigger tank for these guys within the next six months.

And a 28L room-temp tank with White Clouds.

I have just recently purchased an Aqua One UFO (not sure of liters, but its quite small) that I plan to stock with a saimese fighter, a group of corys, and a few schooling tetras like cardinals or rummys.

I have also just been talked into buying a 320l Ocean Free Tank that I am setting up as a reef tank. At the moment is has water in it with a heater and a power head, but thats all. Im moving in six weeks so I didn't want to set it up with all the equipment I will have on it so came up with a temporary plan to just keep a few fish, bit those plans fell through, so not sure what to do with a tank full of salt water now.....

As you can see I got the bug bad to go from one tank to four in four months, and the obsession doesn't seem to be lessening..... :D

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