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Baby brine shrimp


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I'm first time trying to hatch bbs - first lot too cold. Does anyone have advice - shall I try putting them in hot water cupboard [in icecream container] - but they will have no aeration. Is aeration important?

The bbs are for sunset minnow fry - about 10-15 days old.

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We hatch ours in an upside down coke bottle. This sits in one of the tanks to keep it warm. Yes airation is necessary. You don't want it to bubble like mad, enough for a nice "current" in the bottle. Shrimp hatch in about 20-30 hours from our experience.

Mr L

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What are you hatching them in? They need an airline and water around 22-24 degrees to hatch. Can you float the hatching container in the tank or otherwise sit it in another container of water with a heater in it?

I found I couldn't hatch bbs in the black square hatcheries that the LFS sells in winter - try putting them in a drink bottle inside your tank with an airline otherwise (assuming your tanks heated)

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thanks everyone.

I'm in Mt Roskill, Auckland.

My tank is cold freshwater only 18 deg at present, so even too cold to float a plastic bottle. Oh well, I guess I have to visit the LFS for a small heater, I do have an airstone I was using.

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Get atleast a 1.5L bottle. Fill with 1L of water. Put lid back on and turn upside down. Mark bottle atleast 50mm above water line. Cut along marked line (once drained water). Cut another bottle as the holder so it sits "correct way up" and hatchery bottle sits inside "lid down".

Some people drill a small hole in the lid for the airline but we don't.

Air stones clog easily so we have found it best to not use any OR get the plastic multi piece ones OR put airline through lid.

Mr L

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If you are using a heater: When mix is pink rather than brown, turn off heater and and air then let stand about 10-15 minutes. Hatched shrimp will seperate from shells and can be drained off. Best results are to drain off to another conainer with an airstone and store until required. Clean apparatus and set up again.

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whew! thanks for all this 'techy' stuff!!

My problem is -- I DON'T DRINK all the coke/poisons drinks! :)

to get the empty bottles in the first place. Have to try my neighbours recycle bins.

Meantime, my fry are getting ground up flakes along with infusoria but I am getting losses.

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I was advised to add baking soda when told about this method while standing on a mountain with a couple of slabs of stone. I assume it increases the carbonate hardness and encourages the wee fellas to hatch.

There is a site I came across, and I hope it isn't against the rules to link to it here. http://www.waynesthisandthat.com/brineshrimp.htm

This person did a lot of experiments with hatching brine shrimp. If you go down about halfway, or use your find function to look for "Brine shrimp hatching solutions" he has a little paragraph there where he found baking soda is actually a good substitute for salt water and they will hatch in fresh water with the right hardness which baking soda can create.

I might try this myself and see if it actually works. ?

But first I need to get some brine shrimp eggs and an air pump.

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