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My Legless Lizard


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"Well Dragon but it is a lizard"

"It is a lizard but more known as a dragon check out this link."

"Yes, Of corse i read it"

I fail to understand how you could have read the article (or indeed, ANYTHING on tuatara) and come to the conclusion that it is a dragon or any other type of lizard. Perhaps you did not understand the words?

And I know davidb was joking. As he well knows, tuatara have been around since the time of the dinosaurs but are of course not dinosaurs themselves.

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And I know davidb was joking. As he well knows, tuatara have been around since the time of the dinosaurs but are of course not dinosaurs themselves.

I was being facetious :D I would be quite worried if I actually thought Tuataras were Dinosaurs, as I'm studiying Environmental management and Ecology :bounce:

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Yes coelacanth, im pretty sure you dont need a pemit to keep a legless lizard but however it is illegal to capture and keep a wild one, which i have not done as this one was givent to me from someone who couldnt look after it.

Wonderful link Broms, thank you for inlighting me on the situation.

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Yes coelacanth, im pretty sure you dont need a pemit to keep a legless lizard but however it is illegal to capture and keep a wild one, which i have not done as this one was givent to me from someone who couldnt look after it.

but you said in an earlier post that it had been wild-caught the day you got it....

were you lying?

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Australian rules are basically the same as nz

reference below


used to be different from state to state like USA but now all are same

I think ceolanth (spelling on purpose) was trying to get a point across without being heavy handed.

if the aussie authorities were watching this forum the bearded dude might get a visit

though like nz the odd young person is allowed to pass under the radar when its not a big operation

beardy dude it is not hard to get a license and join a local herp society then no one can ever take your charges off you, that would be sad :cry:

speaking of technicalities in the eyes of the law ignorance of the law is no excuse. and the drunk (legless) lizard is still wild caught, no matter who caught it

i do speak from experience of losing some lizards that technically were allowed in nz :evil:

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