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probably my call too dennis

over the years i have bred a lot of axys, but not had one with the spots so well defined before

bought it on trademe a few weeks ago

David i have tried the white x black before and only got the odd blotched

yes repto she is well fed

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It's probably a matter of try and see. I dont personally know which colours are dominant, but you may have to simply find an individual carrying the right colours to get more blotched babies. For example lets say black is dominant, white recessive, B x w = Bw (black coloured, but carrying white) now cross this Bw x B and you should get 75% black and 25% white, or if you crossed the Bw x w you should get 50/50 black and white. My point is you dont know what an individual may be carrying cryptically, that you cant see so you will quite likely get varying results from different pairings! :wink:

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  • 1 month later...


Your axolotl is probably classed as a "piebald" which unlike the leucistic (white with dark eyes - some have dark colouring spots on top of head and body) is quite rare.

Check out the following link that will give you a better explanation of genetics/colouring. http://www.axolotl.org/genetics.htm

You may be able to determine then what you can breed it with, but chances are you may not necessarily come off with another piebald but a mixture of parentage (dark/white/golden).

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  • 3 weeks later...

My two new ones - also from trademe - good score 70$ for the two, plus too gold fish, tank/filter the lot - great deal very happy :)


As far as breeding goes they do not have similarities with there parents - except that thay are Axo's..there dna/genes at fertilisation are unique - I cant explain it very well myself but check out here somewhere - good read http://www.axolotl.org/rearing.htm

enjoy !

Oh and I found the perfect food ! Live fish - I dont recall the the name of them - perhaps someone can help with this? The little fishies introduced too n.z that eat the mozzie larvae etc ? free too "nett" up at a local pond/lake side :P

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