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Hello at last


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Hi Everyone,

I've been lurking around leaching info off you guys for a couple of months now, finally got time to say hello! My fish story - well let's just say that if there's a wrong way to do something, chances are pretty good we've done it that way...

I have 4 young boys (8,6,4 & 2) who decided they wanted pet fish, and when looking for a sm 2nd hand goldfish tank came across a very cheap AR380 with all the gear, which we promptly cleaned (without chemicals - I did know that much!) and set up with gravel, plastic and real plants and water (we're on rainwater here). Left it for a whole DAY, thinking I was very smart knowing to let things settle. Off to the LFS for the big fish buy-up. When there are 4 boys all wanting their own choice, the numbers mount up fairly quickly, but the staff assured me the 18 fish we were taking home were not too big for the tank. We ended up with:

11 neon tetras

2 glowlight tetras

3 silvertips

2 tiger barbs

At this stage cycling was something that involved safety helmets. :oops: Got the fish home and floated, tank looked great, all well.

Forward on 10 days. One of the barbs had blown up like a puffer fish, and most of the neons had white spot. Back to the LFS, home with all the recommended potions. Lost 3 neons and the barb. Lets just say that the remaining 14 fish must be particularly hardy creatures, cause they have survived a massive ammonia spike (all my own fault) which was drawn out over quite some time, until I found this site and found out about cycling.

We seem to be on the good side of things now, and have recently added a couple of kuhli loaches to our happy team, altho I would like to add another barb or 2 - our remaining 1 is lovely and I'm sure he's lonely.

Thanks for all the info so far - I've got plenty more questions coming!


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Our one remaining is doing really well. I've decided he's a she :oops: (doesn't have a red nose - is that right?) She's quite nosy, but very placid - doesn't annoy the others at all. I'd like to get some more to keep her company, but I don't want to upset the harmony, and I don't think I've got room for 5 (they grow quite big don't they?) The silver tips seem to be the bullies in our tank :-?

Thanks for all the support everyone, what a friendly bunch you all are :D

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