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L226 have bred with new pics

mr pleco

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what a week in the week that was

as stated before royal whiptails bred after comming home from AFKA meeting unfortunatley after lights out the next day eggs dissappeared think i have a rogue pleco in the tank ....bugga

meanwhile downstairs rhino whiptails that had babies last month layed again still eggs at the moment ...

Then all six pairs of BN layed in two days with over 250 eggs you can imajine ive been quite busy ..and now after seeing alot of uneaten food in the L226 tank/ pwrhead falling over and not working i decided to disturb the tank a little and look in all the caves only to find at least one male sitting on about 20-30 wrigglers

wicked im stoked !!! would post some pics but im a bit hestiant to disturb them anymore than i have already will post what i can when i can in the future...

so it can be done

p.s fish boi sorry to hear of yr loss and i hesitate to put this on this thread but if any babies survive i promise if yr still keenyou can have first pick ...ok

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what a week in the week that was

..and now after seeing alot of uneaten food in the L226 tank/ pwrhead falling over and not working i decided to disturb the tank a little and look in all the caves only to find at least one male sitting on about 20-30 wrigglers

wicked im stoked !!! would post some pics but im a bit hestiant to disturb them anymore than i have already will post what i can when i can in the future...

so it can be done

p.s fish boi sorry to hear of yr loss and i hesitate to put this on this thread but if any babies survive i promise if yr still keenyou can have first pick ...ok

congratulations, that's awesome news. You may be the first person in the world to breed these guys. Clown plecs and flash plecs have been done, but I haven't seen a reference to Iquito tiger plecs (Panaque changae).

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I just got 4 of them and they're pretty spectacular fish. Congrats on the spawning and best of luck raising them!

Pics when you've separated the young from dad, please. A nice shot of the tank and some details on your water conditions and setup, filtration, etc would be really helpful if this is a first timer.

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sure blue/kim thanks for the replies ppl im still wrapped as far as i know flatfish this is the first spawn in nz i think they have been spawned in aussie but havent seen pics to confirm this

anyway to let you know what i did so far

after dry season of 10 days without feeding and no water changes

increased the powerheads from one to two for ten days

water changed with rainwater that was at least 8-10 degrees colder and had sat in a bath with rotting leaves and stuff (low ph and full of mossie larvae and very tannic )

increased feeding , feeding included mangoes from peru which i might add were never touched in fact went mouldy almost but its worth noting huh also shrimp,mysis shrimp ,adult brineshrimp ,shrimp pellets ,and discus tucker ... the tank never had a light on it and i turned the room lights on for only 5-7 hours a day

added extra bamboo for caves

three days ago gave big water change on tap water about 1/2 a tank removed 2nd powerhead

thats about it

cave that spawned ,saw a female lurking there about a week ago very interested in cave but never entered (while i was there anyway ) caves are positioned horizontal to water flow so water flows past but not into cave as such there is another cave that i havent checked yet not sure if theres anything there or not ..

biggest thing i think was i never really bothered them or looked inside caves. occasionally shone a torch at the caves to make sure they were ok but never really disturbed them much except to feed them and vacume up any debri which was probably once a week at most

to be perfectly honest i have seven of these plecos aand i have to be honest i can only ever see four i really have no idea if the other three are ok or not that kinda tells you how much i have left them alone and in darkness ..

n.b the tank is at floor level in a garage /come fishroom so gets very little movement except by me

hope this helps as they are an awesome little fish ...

one little note which i find quite hardcase when i originally put in the first cave it was facing the front glass and had a male present and fanning at one point i saw a female swim around the cave (bamboo by the way ) then turn and literally ram the cave and spun it till it was facing away from the front glass it was almost like she knew i would look in if it was facing the glass and wanted more privacy .. poor bloddy male inside musta wondered what the hell hit him lol

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well heres the best i can do at the moment you may be able to just see orange under his belly of the wrigglers ....maybe


heres a tank shot of the setup you can see the overflow pipe in the corner which allows 24/7 water changes if needed fish006.jpg

and heres the other end with the powerhead on top of the UGFfish005.jpg

final try at wriggler shot fish007.jpg

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p.s fish boi sorry to hear of yr loss and i hesitate to put this on this thread but if any babies survive i promise if yr still keenyou can have first pick ...ok

thanks for thinking of me and congrats on the spawn.

ur differently the first to spawn these in NZ and with all the other accounts i've read of they've either provide no photo evidence or its not actually L226 just a different type of panaque that looks similar.

keep us up dated.

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Awesome news Mr Pleco, :bow: :bounce:

Congrats to your fish for spawning,and to you for providing the right environment for them to do so!! you never know eh, maybe the mouldy fruit was the trigger.

And to think that only a week ago you were frustrated that all the males were fanning but the girls wernt into it,if only you knew what was to come...

All the best with raising the fry,well done

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thanks ppl yep im still bouncing off the cei ling funny thing is now im finding it really hard to stay away from the tank (typical huh ) just a waiting game now .its day two dad is still doing his job did a little cleaning up in tank today very minor just a quick water change got the 24 / 7 water dripper doing that for me now anyway ... babies still look good no further developments

fingers crossed and a bit of :hail::hail:

yeah gatito the pic is of adults so around 9-10 cm i would guess dont get any bigger ,these are wild caught

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome! Keep up the good work, and the careful water changes ;)

I THINK mine are spawning after a couple of triggers - big feeds and cold water changes. Can count only 3 tiger plecs in the tank and the alpha male has a really hard time getting in his tube. Female trapped in there perhaps?

The camera will tell, as I've set up the tripod and am filming as we speak!

er... as I type...

Will check on things in an hour...

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thats awesome news blue hope all goes well yeah careful on the water changes and the feeding heaps of variety reckon theres at least 10- 15 when i think ive counted them all i find some more well hidden

keep us posted on their progress i hope all goes well for you :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

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