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V americans and V gigantea are sometimes referred to as eelgrass. Usually it is called vallis or twisted vallis.

Since you are the one who actually lives in Nelson andyman it would be easiest for you to find out if it is there.

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  • 2 years later...

Well it is still being sold in Auckland pet shops and here as well. So what are the news on it now??

The official list says:

All plants on the NPPA are unwanted organisms under the Biosecurity Act 1993. These plants cannot be sold, propagated or distributed in New Zealand.

This includes:

Vallisneria gigantea Eelgrass

Vallisneria spiralis Eelgrass

Vallisneria spiralis is NOT the twisted Vallisneria. It is another name for the BIG one, due to its flowerstems being in spiral form (to accomodate for varying waterlevels) to make sure the flowers stay above water!

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Wasn't that the link I gave in my last post?

As far as I understand it means you can have it in your tank but you cannot sell it or propagate it or distribute it! Which includes giving it to your friends :)

And of course the auction is illegal too.

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i didn't know that... y r they selling it in animates?

That is what I wondered too. There seems to be a great big confusion as to what is legal and what not, as not all vallisneria are on the banned list!

But nobody seems to know which ones these are and how to identify them!

Same as with the oxygen weeds.

We have thousands of members here and even so - nobody seems to come forward to end the confusion.

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Vallisneria gigantea was banned years ago and was growing wild in the North Island. It is a massive plant (I used to sell it to the shops) The plants were chopped off at about 2 metre lengths and the base would have been 25-30mm wide. Americana can be big but nowhere near as big. Spiralis has a straight leaf and is named after the spiralling flower stem. The twisted ones are torta and others I suspect. I understand there are male and female plants but generally only females in the hobby because they can propagate vegetatevely. The plants should therefore not have viable seeds and will be in waterways because some idiot put them there. Could be wrong but that is as I understand it.

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It was me who bidded for the trade me auction. Originally I was going to post that it was illegal to sell Vallisneria gigantea but then clicked who the seller was and knew it wasnt that species of val as I have seen his tank. I wasnt aware however, that any other was banned :oops:

I too have seen this being sold in numerous pet stores around the country so this thread has been really educational.

CrazDevil did the right thing and made contact with me after the auction closed in regards to this situation.

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