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what to get


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Hi all

A friend of mine has bought one of my old tanks. Its a hooded 3ft. Her dilemma is what to put in it.

It will be semi planted as she likes both the green and rockery look.

does anyone out there have any recommendations as to what sort of fish to keep in the community?

Looking for easy to keep, hard to kill :lol: colourful types. I showed her some killi's on TM yesterday and after the oohs and ahhs decided these might be quite nice.

Are they hard to keep and can you keep different types together?

She has a smaller tank at the moment with some clowns, bristles, a blue gourami, what looks like a paradise fish and some guppies.

I have pointed out that the clowns will eventually get too big for the 3ft but by then she should be well and truly hooked and getting a bigger tank :lol:

Anything out there that you would recommend?

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You could get different species and put in.

If you wanted you could then on-breed them and boost thie numbers.

One of the best tanks I ever saw was a river scene with about 50 male Aphyosemion gardneri. Or are they now called Fundolupanchax.(spp)

Name changes. :evil:

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I have a heavily planted tank with about a dozen male killies as described by the other Alan. Both the killies and I like a heavily planted tank and that way you can have pretty strong light to keep the plant growing well and also give the killies places to shelter from the light (which they are not keen on). Also have siamese algae eaters to control algae and clown loaches to control snails. Everybody is happy and it looks great.

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Hi all

A friend of mine has bought one of my old tanks. Its a hooded 3ft. Her dilemma is what to put in it.

It will be semi planted as she likes both the green and rockery look.

does anyone out there have any recommendations as to what sort of fish to keep in the community?

Looking for easy to keep, hard to kill :lol: colourful types. I showed her some killi's on TM yesterday and after the oohs and ahhs decided these might be quite nice.

Are they hard to keep and can you keep different types together?

She has a smaller tank at the moment with some clowns, bristles, a blue gourami, what looks like a paradise fish and some guppies.

I have pointed out that the clowns will eventually get too big for the 3ft but by then she should be well and truly hooked and getting a bigger tank :lol:

Anything out there that you would recommend?

killies are seasonal fish so unless your friend likes yearly funerals its best not to get them.

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Killies are nice little critters, I think a Killi tank would look awesome planted up etc.. :)

If your friend was looking the tetra way tho... Rummy nose are beautiful I reckon, I would love a tank set up just for mainly a big school of rummy nose *drool* They are another that is expensive tho :-? :D

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