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Am I crazy


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I was at Brad's today. He had some nice Discus in his shop.

I was thinking of going for a little change & setting up my 4x2x2 with Discus, Cardinals, plants.... am I finally going insane? :P :lol:

Will mean I have to get rid of at least 2 African species too. :( {No I am not allowed another tank} :x

Have kept pancakes before, so know what I am in for. I always go through these changes from time to time.

Frenchy :D

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Just depends what ones you are kicking to the kerb HFF.

Why not chuck the cars out of the garage and get some new tanks.

You know you want to.

Also, the cars won't get wet if left outside.

Don't think it rains there does it??

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Try convince the others about parking outside??? :lol: Good one... :roll: Plus the garage is on to much of a lean too, wouldn't want to risk anymore tanks in there. If I spill water when doing water changes it runs down towards the house. Good speed to :o :lol:

Also I may end up going "somewhere" in country Queensland next year. The better half has a scholarship, god knows where she is going to end up. I may be following. So more tanks be a pain in the a..e to move.

The change of set up means I could nearly leave one 4 footer behind, full of fry at the moment. Knowing my luck the dam Discus will pair up & breed :lol:

The white calvus young take up 3x2 footers & a few are in the 4 footer.

I will always keep the White Calvus, C.leptosoma. The electric yellows & maybe demasoni will have one tank.

What will be going is the L.mbamba & P.aceii.

That way, 4x2x2 be a display. Whites & leptos in one 4 ft, yellows & demasoni in another 4 footer.

1x4ft, 3x2fts fry raising. {as they are now}

Plus the 4x2 has females holding, stripping the tank is a pain. Full of lava rock. Demasoni & Aceiis dosen't matter, but sometimes the yellows seem to lose condition. Not far on them.

Frenchy :D

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I was at Brad's today. He had some nice Discus in his shop.

I was thinking of going for a little change & setting up my 4x2x2 with Discus, Cardinals, plants.... am I finally going insane? :P :lol:

Will mean I have to get rid of at least 2 African species too. :( {No I am not allowed another tank} :x

Have kept pancakes before, so know what I am in for. I always go through these changes from time to time.

Frenchy :D

You have gone completly crackers! to get rid of africans for pancakes that don't move... :roll:

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Go for it Frenchy! And I only say that as I notice you are definately keep your White Calvus :P:D And of course keeping the Demasoni ;)

A change can be nice sometimes, the good thing is, you are still keeping the Africans (which is most important of all) :lol:

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I only went 1/2 crazy in the end. I couldn't brake down the 4x2 yet. A few odd altos I had to keep.

So I got rid of the acei colony :cry: Put the mbamba's, yellows & demasoni all in the 4x2 with odd altos.

So I set up a 4x15x18 on Saturday. With 4 discus{turq, red spotted, sunset orange, blue diamond}, some cardinals & harlequin rasboras, couple of peppermint bristlenose, an albino pair of bristlenose that were in with the africans, a cory sterbai{all Brad had} a couple of crypts, some type of grass{dwarf rush} some other plant{forgot again lol}, couple of Anubias on woods, a siamese fighter :roll: oh and a left over guppy from White Calvus tank.

Looks good, discus settled in well & are eating. Settled in better than I thought. Just a little timid, with the light on & people in view. Apart from that swimming around.....

Have to wait for Brad to get in more cardinals, rasboras, sterbai, a checkerboard discus, a red crypt like plant & some ambulia. Hint Hint Brad :lol:

Frenchy :D

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Got another 20 cardinals, 10 Harlequin rasboras & 2 Blue Rams{Brad got more German Imports in} for the discus tank.

Added some Terminalia Catappa leaves today too.

Finally took a pic


ps; Keep forgetting...Anyone or Brad remind me.... what is the name of the plant in the middle at the back of the tank?

Frenchy :D

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