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Big Tanks and MTS


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I dont think anyone has a problem with the advice its the way it was put through..

Maybe if it started and ended differently it would have been better ie:

"I have just setup a big tank and thought I would offer some advice to new people about things to consider....

...Also people in rental properties should consult their landlord and also consider potential damage to property IMO people should wait until they purchase thir own homes."

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The problem with forums worldwide is that people get an idea in thier head of how they think it has been written, which may not of been the original posters intent.

It has long been known (and pointed out to me on occasion) that when reading forum posts to keep nuetral feeling on the way it has been written as the original poster may not be good with words or may of been sidetracked and lost the writers momentum.

Have you guys considored they way that Joze may be feeling right now as a result of all the negativity towards thier post where they where only trying to help with what may be personal experiance.

I have noticed tho that although they will be getting all the notification emails for this thread they haven't been back to post.

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If Joze takes it personally then she should'nt have made the post in the first place, come on guys, everyone is entitled to their opinions so if your going to express them great, but back em up, and if you take it to heart then you need to harden up (IMO), theres ppl from all walks of life on here so ya have to be open minded and not everyone will agree on everthing!

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I agree Mincie but with forums you can't just assume youo know in what "mood" for want of a better term he poster was in when they posted, you can never know how a post was intended to come across when it was posted bu=y just reading words.

And to be honest yes people are just expressing themselves and thier opinions but at times the replies( across the forum, not just this thread) get downright rude.



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Maybe its time for everyone to count to ten. Some people are 'assuming' Joze was telling us what to do, others are 'assuming' she was offering advice. Nobody knows for sure so why waste time and energy over arguing the point?

Do what I'm going to do - go out and enjoy the gorgeous weather while its still here.


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Hi Joze

Come on back and play. I might need some advice from you soon!

I'm almost too scared to post this! I'm a bit of an interweb virgin, maybe not up to the cut and thrust.

I think (IMHO) we've all (I dont want to speak for anyone else so it should be "I" have) learned something from your post, possibly not quite what you intended, more about the content and framing of and our responsibility for, our posts, how people might respond to them and so on.

I love this site and welcome the advice, experiences, stories and photos you all share - are we really fighting amongst ourselves? I think healthy debate is good, but I hate to see a "beat-up", just because no one got laid on Sat or Sun :lol:

Regards, TGWH

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Mystic, just in case you can't find the "T" and "H".

Go to the centre of the top line of lettered keys, find "T".

Go diagonally down, and to the right, is "H"

:wink: :roll: :wink:

Not everyone finks of all those fings, and I fink thats why Joze has posted this topic.
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You have nice weather there today Jude... it's not as good here today.. RATS!


I think healthy debate is good, but I hate to see a "beat-up", just because no one got laid on Sat or Sun

It wasn't me that said that - I would never 'assume' nobody got laid. I'm sure somewhere, someone got lucky :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And yes, its another beautiful day here - its about time we had a turn with the sunshine :) :)

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It wasn't me that said that - I would never 'assume' nobody got laid. I'm sure somewhere, someone got lucky :D :D :D :D

I know it wasn't you that said that, realise that TGWH posted it :lol: You would never say such a thing ;) ;) :lol:

Just copied from his post to have a laugh at ;):D

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weither its a big tank or a little tank, in rental properties always watch out for your carpet

In my opinion,it is completely impossible NOT to damage a carpet.

I have yet to see a tank removed from an area that is carpeted, in a house, if it's been there for 6 or more months, without the carpet being squashed, and leaving it's (tanks) footprint.

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well i took it like the law was being laid down, cant help it its how i am, but if you are going to post something were you are telling people what to do then you can expect some backlash, if you can't handle the backlash then dont post something that could/will be taken the wrong way. & i dont think there was anything rude said on here about joze IMO

ps its very sunny here & mincie we came down to checkout your lfs :lol:

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Thanks for that informative article, Joze! Nice little checklist to keep people from stepping on toes, getting in trouble, or even preventing a huge tank crashing through someones floor! I'm currently doubling the size of some of my tanks and will keep all your advice in mind.

I think this would be a great article for the Aquarium World, sorry if you take that the wrong way - both "offendees" and "defenders".

P.S. - It could be mentioned that a large tank can even shift the foundation of a house and cost many MANY thousands of dollars of damage.

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HI Joze

Your points are very completely correct in regards to big fish tanks and i understand why you feel the way you go about big tanks. Maybe if you explained the reason why the post was written it might help people understand where you are coming from ( for example just had to clean up the mess a leaking big tank made on the carpet of your rental)

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In my opinion,it is completely impossible NOT to damage a carpet.

I have yet to see a tank removed from an area that is carpeted, in a house, if it's been there for 6 or more months, without the carpet being squashed, and leaving it's (tanks) footprint.

It takes a while but if you rub ice over the indents left behind the carpet will stand back up. It worked for me but it was only a 180 litre tank

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It comes down to the type of carpet as well and the underlay.

Woollen carpets bounce back faster than nylon carpets but even then it takes a couple years.

I had a 3ft tank (3 x 1.5 x1.5 ft) only on 2 edges of 18mm custom wood and that left an imprint in my carpet for 2 years.. the tank was in the same place for 2 years. Now you can't see it.

But I agree with the others before me... Best if you can spread the weight of the tank as much as you can. Placing a board of customwood or Ply underneath a tank will definitely help protect the carpet.

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I chose not to say anything previously as I am not interested in picking fights or playing clique games. Now the emotive personal abuse has ceased, here is my point.

A number federation members constantly complain about not being "allowed" any more tanks, many and sometimes the same also complain about being asked to move out or cease having fish because of multiple tanks and/or large tanks. These people also ask for help to move property and have problems finding volunteers.

Not everyone appreciates fish and most especially tanks and the resulting predictable damage. Lets face it, tanks damage floors you cannot escape it.

All I am saying is be considerate towards others, as other people have to live there too.

As for the personal abuse thanks to those who can see beyond their own selfishness.

Yes I do have large tanks, I do have permanent carpet damage and will have replace the carpet before we put the house on the market when we sell. We also have to consider secondment and finding homes for large species. They are not easy to home and not everyone has a house that can take the large tanks. It is also extremely unfair and unethical to move a fish the size of a family pooch more than is absolutely necessary.

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