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need some help fast plz


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hi fishy lover i need some help i did a water change last night and when i got up in the morring i find 6 of my fish have died , a paradise fish ,2 neons and 3 guppys all in diff tanks and now as i was talking in chat my son notes aonther one had died my red devil (male betta) and i all so got 4 that r look very sick that i put in a new tank my pink lady (female betta) and peppered cat and two danios i did all the water test and all is ok i did the same water change i do each time i change to water i all so add stress coat the each tank after each water change and now i lost 7 fish im worry im going to lost them all i hope some can help me plz

the sick fish r at the top of the tank and laying on there sides there breathing is a little fast but so is the ones is the ones in the onthere tanks the tank i got them in now is a 40lt with two oxygen bubble stones and one wool filter in there not stones or plants and i all so put stress coat in the to hopeing it helps them

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Bikie, not sure how much water you are talking about.

But how about next time you do a change, to have a few buckets handy, squirt your water into them, that releases heaps of chlorine, then leave to stand for 24 hours.

No need to use any added extras then at all.

Do you clean your filter as well, and if so, how do you clean that


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Bikie Girl

Sounds like you just did a water change same as always, with I assume no problems before. if so, unless you changed a lot more water than usual it is probably not a chlorine problem. Still I would take Alans advise and let the water sit for 24hrs next time.

when doing water change is there a chance anything else got into the water? sounds like the fish cannot get enough oxygen out of the water. Could someone else have used your water change bucket to mop the floor or something?

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Caryl's comment about rainwater brings to mind the saga of one of our local club members, hopefully his story will help other people.

He's on a farm and has two sources of water - rainwater from roof collection and bore water. Keeping with conventional wisdom that rain water would be better (particularly since he was keeping discus) he used rainwater for quite a period of time with no problems. Then he starts having fish deaths for what appeared to be no reason - a mixture of symptoms that didn't really point to one definite source. The long and the short of it was that it had come around to topdressing (not aerial just the regualr truck/tractor spreader) time and the fertiliser dust had contaminated the roof water.

So he swapped to the bore water (not ideal but needs must) he then got into a cycle of his discus being happy enough to spawn and then a few days later looking like they were going to die. All the standard water tests got performed, numerous medications used, fingers pointed at the locally collected rocks - much frustration and head scratching.

As a last resort he got some town supply water and used that for a water change - problem fixed - discus continually looking happy and busily spawning on a regular basis. We're still not sure exactly what it was in the bore water (not pH, nitrogen compounds or hardness) that caused problems - possibly just exessive (non-hardness) minerals, the bore water does have a high iron content - whatever it was, it's not something that we normally test for.

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hi I lost two more today a danio and my peppered cat I did what caryl said to do last night in chat change the water with tap water and the fish where sick r looking better thanks god for that as my pink lady (bettafemales )was one of the sick ones she and her tank mates r looking good ty caryl and the fish in my show tank looking better to I think I stay with tap water for now as it working good ty caryl I had the water tested today and it ok for the tanks and for the bucket ive got 4 I news only for fish water changes and there r keep in the stand under the tanks I also news I 40lt drum that I get my water from my dad as he live in Thames and keeps fish for about 14yrs now and who help me start out with fish and that the water he news in his tanks with np.

o yep I noted the danio had red lines in it body to when I take it out after it had died also see that the only danios have got the same red line on them to may this be some thing to with the water I did a water test again today and all is ok nothing worry there ive been thinking about do a full tank clean in all the tanks one I find out what doing it or I may do it in the next two or three day if I lost more fish ty u all for ur help ur all so great ty .

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I used to use rainwater but found it to be too unreliable. Depending on which way the wind is blowing and many other factors, there is no way to tell what is in the rain water. We have a fairly big industrial park nearby. If the weather is coming from the north the rainwater is no good as it is full of industrial waste chemicals. The waste chemicals can also settle on the house roof when its not raining too.

I've done water changes with rainwater in the past and had most of my discus turn black. Another 50%+ waterchange with tap water + new activated carbon in the filter fixed them up in less than 24 hours. You only need 1ppm or so of something toxic in the rainwater to cause a problem.

If you don't want to use tapwater the next cheapest option for processing water is usually Reverse Osmosis. It removes approx 99.9% of chemicals, solids and gases from the water. You need to add some salts of various types back to give it pH stability however. For small quantities Deionising resins work ok too.

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Hi guys...

this is gana be a little pathetic comming from a total new bee

next time you do a water change, rince off the bucket before you dip it in a different tank. and then if all your tanks get a problem again you will be able to tell if its something from the water your putting into your tank. and if just a coupple or one of the tanks get a problem you can then tell if theres something funny with your tank already. :-?

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