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Lower Hutt Water


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I don't think they are on artesian any more. There was a big fuss and lots of protest when they were switched to the same supply as the rest of us. I think it happened about the same time as the artesian water taps were established in Buick St and I think it applies to all of Petone.

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Petone and Korokoro are on the artesian supply still and is unchlorinated and unflouridated from memory. Managed to contact the right person at local council to get some water info, but it was a few years back. They do raise the pH to 7.2 to meet NZ drinking water requirements.

I had major cyanobacteria problems when living in Korokoro, so it possibly has a fairly high nutrient content (guessing), but that's cleared up now I've moved to Maungaraki which has a different supply.


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Petone and Korokoro are on artesian supply (no chlorine) but I'm sure it doesn't extend to all Lower Hutt.

According to that link it does extend to Lower Hutt :o

But we're getting ours from the river with chlorine and flouride.

You'd feel like a bit of a spoon buying water ager in lower hutt if you knew that haha

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I live in Maungaraki(Western hills of Lower Hutt), I've chucked tap water straight into the tanks for years and no problems.

I drink straight from the tap and feel no ill effects.

I do know our tap water taste very different from the tap at work in Wellington, much nicer from home.

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Even on chlorinated water supplies you dont need water ager. The amount of chlorine added to NZ water is pretty small and harmless to most fish. I only ever use water ager for fish younger than 2 weeks old.

Most my tanks get their water changes with a hose, chlorinated flourinated cold water, most of the fish I have here come over to play in it. Never had problems with filters recycling after water changes, there just isn't enough chlorine in the water.

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I've never used water ager.

I do however have all the water for changes in containters in the bottom of my hot water cupboard. Doesn't warm them too much and lets any chlorine settle out. Does make water changing a significantly greater chore than it would be otherwise.

On the plus side, swinging 20kg bottles of water around is good exercise, and I do have almost 100 litres of water in case of earthquake, which is a good thing when you live between a couple of active fault lines.

Gavin.... :) :)

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Although I live in an area with unchlorinated artesian water and I have never used dechlorinators it is possible to get a chlorine spike because the Councils are required to sanitize the water mains (with chlorine) when doing repairs on the mains. How concientious they are or how well they flush the mains is hard to know, but it is a requirement.

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