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Does everyone use carbon in their tanks?


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I was about to buy some replacement carbon cartridges for my Aqua One tank and then saw the 'wool only' option which is half the price of course. (Or better yet there's always the bulk stuff I could cut to size)

Do you all use carbon? Has anyone ever tried going without for any prolonged period and if so did you notice any changes?

Also I understand carbon should be removed if medications are added but what about algaecides? Would they also be removed by the carbon?

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I'd say to be safe, remove it when using algaecides.

I used to use carbon back in the day, but after a month took it out (as recommended) and then couldn't be bothered replacing it. Since then the water in my tank has been crystal clear without it so it's not a necessity.

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Once your tank is settled, up & running carbon isn't needed at all.

I don't use it and rarely do water changes either. Those who have seen my tank know it doesn't smell and the water is clear.

Just incase people think cool, I can do less...

It is also heavily planted and understocked.

that is the reason why.

Just incase anyone didn't note the correlation.

Frenchy :D

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Interesting to know that it removes fertilisers too. I did wonder about that. Did a bunch of reading on the web last night on a Seachem page about all sorts of things including carbon and how it helped filter out proteins and ammonia. Then I read about Flourish but then it says flourish had amino acids in it that help mimic ammonia in a form the plants can use and I wondered how those got by the carbon?

I used some carbon to help bind up some meds I had used on some pond fish a while back (treated in a plastic tub) and I have to agree....I wasn't comfortable until I had changed a significant amount of water in small/medium quantities over several consecutive days.

Point taken too re: few water changes. I won't ty to get away with few water changes unless I also understock and plant heavily. (Might be leaning towards that anyway though!)

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i use carbon only for removing medication. other times, i use seachem purigen, which polishes the water crystal clear, removes dissolved organic wastes before they turn into ammonia/nitrite/nitrate, and doesn't remove trace elements. moreover, it can be regenerated, unlike carbon which needs to be thrown away.

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