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It looks good like that to me. What does it look like from the other side of the tank?

I can imagine it covered with java moss and java fern, with fish swimming through and under it.

Have you tried it so the side thats now facing up, is facing down? That might look good too.

Otherwise you have no choice but to go for a bigger tank. It would be sacrilege to saw it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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The pic doesnt really show how big it is, the driftwood actually takes up more than 3/4 the tank in length. I'm getting a bigger tank because it barely fits into the current tank, and there it litterally no space for plants at all. And even if I managed to squeeze a few plants in, there would be no room for my fish at all lol.

Either that or saw it. What does everyone think?

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The pic doesnt really show how big it is, the driftwood actually takes up more than 3/4 the tank in length. I'm getting a bigger tank because it barely fits into the current tank, and there it litterally no space for plants at all. And even if I managed to squeeze a few plants in, there would be no room for my fish at all

Aahh, but that's where you must think outside the box, instead of using substrate buried plants, use java moss and/or fern, I think it would look awesome. If you have enough lighting you could perhaps do a nice carpet of glosso underneath too, simple and very effective 8) .

I say at least try doing something cool with it, and if it's still too big for you, then get a bigger tank :wink:

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I dunno man you could do a lot with that driftwood. Your fish would love it and you could really deck it out with java ferns, anubiases or java moss.. anything really. And you could put amazon swords along the mid area, and riccia,glosso, chain swords or lileopsis (sp?) or dwarf sag. Would look awesome. :D

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It's not me I'm worried about, its the fish. I prefer keeping the more "common" fish such as guppies, swords, mollies etc etc. I want to have a tank FULL of them. So in order to have that, I either need to saw the driftwood or buy a bigger tank.

But the driftwood just looks too good I reckon. Either ways the tank I'm getting would just be slightly wider. Maybe a 36x18x18. This tank I might keep for a breeder tank.

I was actually thinking of covering the base with Java Moss, and tying Ricca to the top parts, hoping that it would creep down and cover the whole driftwood. Then I want some of the bigger plants covering the back part of the tank, giving it some background. There would be a little substrate, maybe 3 cm.

Of course, here comes the next problem: Ricca. I cant seem to find any at all around the Chch petshops. I've seen others but not Ricca. Where can I find some?

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