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Canister Filters


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Just bring the tank 200l approx out of storage it has 1 Eheim 2008 Internal Filter, under-gravel filter with three rises. Was think of removing the under-gravel filter & putting a canister filter. I have seen these 2 type of filters Aqua One & Fluval what is the pros & cons on these two or ts there a another type to consider? don't want to spnd more than I have to



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I am a fan of the Jebo (have bought 3 819's so far and considering 2 more). Have no experience with the Aqua One but have heard a couple of complaints to do with bits breaking. Have had Fluval 403 and 404 and find they block quickly, are hard to pull apart to clean and very hard to get going again!

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Hey Murray,

It all depends on what you are willing to spend :D AquaOne's are the cheapest, Eheim the most expensive ones but are of good quality. You get what you pay for. I had an aqua one (cf700) for my 180l tank not too bad but I find it being a bit weak. Had it for 2 years now and no problems. As Caryl mentioned, you may want to have a look at Jebo, careful not Jebao. Fluvals arent bad either. It all depends on your budget IMO. Hope you find the right one. Id go for quality and reliability from experience :wink:

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Hi Murray,

I have a 250l tank running an old eheim 2028 Pro , i have also aquired 2x 2228 ProII, and an Ehiem Wet/dry. I got all of these second hand and not in preistine condition.

The 2028 came with my tank and i suspect has been running continuosly for atleast 4 years. The others had all been running on a saltwater tank, but were replaced by a sump etc ( as those salty people do :roll: !). Although working, i completely stripped, cleaned, replaced all the seals & shafts, filled them with new media &... they just work!

All up about $50 for parts, $200 for media - enough for 3 filters!.

The wet and dry is a noisy beast of thing - an issue that many have - but otherwise is a great filter!

IMO Ehiem rulz! A second hand Ehiem can be picked up on TM quite cheap. But i have never had any others, so cant draw a comparison.

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I'm with Diver John, I have an Eheim 2217, I bought it off trademe so was a bit cheaper than buying new and it works well, but I have never had any others to compare, somebody on this forum advised me to buy the best I could afford, so that's what I did.

All the best with whatever you choose, alot of people swear by fluvals or jebos, so its personal preference really and price. :D

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Realise that you are most likely not in Canada but here are the Canadian prices that I found to compare..

The Ehiem 2217 has Canadian price of 299 retail on average.

The 2217 is suitable for aquariums up to 160 gallons and has a pump output of 264 GPH.

Where as the 2215 priced at 229

The 2215 is suitable for aquariums up to 95 gallons and has a pump output of 164 GPH.

The Fluval 405 Prices at 199

for aquariums up to 400 Liters (100 U.S. gallons) (page didn't show gph)

The Fluval 305 prices at 149

for aquariums up to 300 Liters (70 U.S. gallons). (page didn't show gph)

Here is link to compare sizes and flow rates..


Personally I would spend the extra on the Ehiem and no I am not rich nor have money to waste and I do own both Eheim and Fluval filters at current

EDIT well more addition wanted to state that I had not used the Jebo filters mentioned above to be able to comment on them fairly with exerience though I do trust Caryl's judgement and would look at them in future based on her recommends.

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I've got two Jebo 819 filters and a Jebo 810. The 819 holds eight trays of media, and pumps 1200L/hr (317 gallons/hr), costs $150NZ (~$100CND) and comes with all the media (foam/cermic noodles/carbon). Can't say enough about these filters, I know they're el cheapo but honestly think they're fantastic value. They're huge, silent, and pump a lot of water through the media.

I've had a Fluval 404 in the past, wasn't anything special. Never had any problems, but didn't encourage me to spend the extra. Never tried an Eheim, or the newer 05 series Fluvals.

Also recommended are the Aqua One CF1200s, I haven't owned one, but AFAIK its basically the same spec/price as the Jebo.

Jebo and Jebao aren't the same company, but Jebao does have a line of cannister filters as well :roll:

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The Ehiem 2217 has Canadian price of 299 retail on average.

The 2217 is suitable for aquariums up to 160 gallons and has a pump output of 264 GPH.

Where as the 2215 priced at 229

The 2215 is suitable for aquariums up to 95 gallons and has a pump output of 164 GPH.

The Fluval 405 Prices at 199

for aquariums up to 400 Liters (100 U.S. gallons) (page didn't show gph)

The Fluval 305 prices at 149

for aquariums up to 300 Liters (70 U.S. gallons). (page didn't show gph)

I'm pretty sure our dollars are worth about the same. Those eheim prices are almost identical to NZ but those fluval prices are awesome. The cheapest i have seen for the 405 in NZ is $300.

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I haven't owned a Eheim yet so can't compare, but I highly recommend the Rena XP series.

I have been running an XP3, thats the largest one, on my 4foot 250L tank for over a year now and just love it. It's really really quiet even almost silent, only start noticing a noise when its due for a clean and its incredibly easy to clean. The casing is see through so just a quick glance will let me see whats going on. Getting access to the media is a breeze. It has an automatic start, no siphoning!

Why pay for an Eheim if you don't have to??

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i have an XP3 too and love it! theyre not that common in nz but are highly reccomended overseas. i bought mine second hand so it does have a rattle, not sure why as it was close to new when i bought it but i do like them. the little part that locks the hoses off for cleaning is great too

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i bought a via aqua(aqua one)model 700 for my tank 180ltrs,pretty quiet when set up and going,slight noise so replaced the impeller shaft $20 and now no noise,easy to clean just take hoses off ,turn off taps first though lol

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Here's my 10cents worth....

I have Eheim classic 2213 and Fluval 204 (both bought second hand from Trademe), I much prefer the Eheim for maintanence and restarting after maintenence. The Fluval is a pain to restart (have to suck on the uptake and end up with water everywhere if not well prepared)(if anyone has a better way of restarting the fluval Please let me know) and the impeller doesnt come out that easily for cleaning. Also seems to gunge up quicker than the Eheim meaning more maintenence....more sucking...more water everywhere....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all, esp the ones using jebo 819, Caryl and Mystic,

I am going to buy one for a 540L tank. Does Jebo have a self priming thingi, so I dont have to suck the hose from one end to make it going again. If you u have an electronic version of the manuel, I would love to read it first.

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Yea I have two 819's too there great, I far prefer over the CF700 i have aswell.

I have a eheim sitting out the back of my house that i got with a tank but can't be bothered setting it up to see what its like :oops: :lol:

But I have a paper copy of the intruction etc booklet that came with it I could send it too you if you can't find anything else??

Does Jebo have a self priming thingi, so I dont have to suck the hose from one end to make it going again

I don't think it does (but i don't know what one is??) but its so easy to start i have never had to suck on the hoses, far easier to start than my aqua one canister

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